West Bank man arrested for hanging for signs inciting violence against IDF troops

Geva Binyamin resident and pro-Palestinian activist, 21, arrested for incitement after hanging anti-IDF and anti-Israel signs, including calls for violence; police discover further incendiary materials on his digital devices; charges being prepared

A 21-year-old resident of Geva Binyamin in the West Bank was arrested on charges of severe incitement against the State of Israel, IDF soldiers and security forces.
The suspect is accused of posting inflammatory signs in the settlement with messages such as "IDF = Terrorists" and "Death to Zionists!"
Pro-Palestinian Israeli activist hangs inciteful signs across Geva Binyamin
The incident began earlier this month when residents discovered numerous signs across the settlement. Police identified the suspect as a local affiliated with pro-Palestinian groups.
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Video footage obtained by authorities allegedly shows the suspect walking through the settlement and hanging the signs. A search of his digital devices revealed extensive inciteful materials, including calls to harm Israeli forces and the state. Among the discovered content were slogans like "Burn the Zionists" and "A good IDF soldier is a dead IDF soldier."
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קריקטורות שנתפסו בטלפון של הישראלי פרו פלסטיני שגר בהתנחלות ונעצר כשתלה כרזות  "צה"ל = מחבלים"
קריקטורות שנתפסו בטלפון של הישראלי פרו פלסטיני שגר בהתנחלות ונעצר כשתלה כרזות  "צה"ל = מחבלים"
Inciteful messages hung across Geva Binyamin
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קריקטורות שנתפסו בטלפון של הישראלי פרו פלסטיני שגר בהתנחלות ונעצר כשתלה כרזות  "צה"ל = מחבלים"
קריקטורות שנתפסו בטלפון של הישראלי פרו פלסטיני שגר בהתנחלות ונעצר כשתלה כרזות  "צה"ל = מחבלים"
Material found on suspect's phone
A prosecutor’s statement was filed against the suspect on Tuesday. Authorities intend to press charges and request he be remanded to custody until the end of legal proceedings.
Superintendent Gil Limoy, commander of the Binyamin police station, said, "We will continue to use all available means to prevent such acts of incitement."
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