Facebook on Tuesday blocked the Hamas-affiliated Gaza news agency Shehab, accusing it of violating the social media network's community standards against promoting violence despite being notified.
The Facebook page was originally created in 2011 and has nearly 7.5 million followers.
"Despite recent outreach to its administrators regarding our policies, we have had to disable the Shehab News Agency Facebook page for repeatedly violating our community standards," a Facebook spokesperson said.
"We have previously explained to the Shehab News team that, in order to keep our community safe and prevent harm, we do not allow praise or support for groups, leaders or individuals who have engaged in violence."
Hamas denounced the Facebook move, calling it an "unjust decision and an attack on media freedoms and freedom of expression."
"Shehab Agency is a professional agency committed to professional ethics and internationally recognized media standards, so it was able to possess such a wide presence in the media space," Head of Hamas' Media Division Abroad Rafat Morra said.
Shehab News Agency has been in operation since 2007. The Facebook page was previously blocked in 2015 for featuring "graphic violence," according to the Palestinian WAFA news agency.
Other pages affiliated with Hamas, including the Safa news agency, have been removed from Facebook in the past.