'A terrorist complains and my husband was arrested': wife of suspect in sexual assault says

Mother of three says her husband lost his father in a terror attack; says the word of a terrorist is believed over a brave soldier defending his country 

In an exclusive interview with i24NEWS, the wife of one of the fighters arrested yesterday (Sunday) on suspicion of sexual assault of a Nukhba terrorist said her husband was detained based on the words of a terrorist.
"It's a Shame, we have 3 children. Shame that they have to experience this. Since October 7th he is not at home- he feels he is on a mission for the country. Shame that he deserves this. The kids are asking when daddy is coming back - I have no answers. Nobody is talking to me. They abandon them," she said adding that her husband's father was murdered in a terror attack.
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תיעוד מפשיטת המשטרה הצבאית על מתקן הכליאה בשדה תימן
תיעוד מפשיטת המשטרה הצבאית על מתקן הכליאה בשדה תימן
Military police at Sde Teiman detention facility to detain suspects of a sexual assault of a Nukbah terrorist
"I heard about the arrest from the media only after 3-4 hours, they called to update me. They trust a terrorist with blood on his hands. My husband and his friends risk their lives every day in Sde Teiman (the military detention center where Nukhba terrorists are held)". she called on the public - "go out and demonstrate, they are here for you."
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הפגנת תמיכה בחיילים העצורים בחשד להתעללות במחבל - בית ליד
הפגנת תמיכה בחיילים העצורים בחשד להתעללות במחבל - בית ליד
Protesters breach military detention facility to prevent the arrests of suspects in a sexual assault of a Nukbah terrorist
(צילום: יריב כץ)
A lawyer of one of the suspects, Efraim Demri told i24 that the expected remand of the suspected reserve soldiers on Monday means the investigation has advanced and is not in the preliminary stages. "It fell on the suspects like a thunderbolt in a bright day, creating a situation where they are are treated like terrorists, these are bizarre suspicions, they didn't exist and were never created," Demri said.
Reprinted with the permission of i24 NEWs
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