Second fatality from Holon stabbing identified as octogenarian Avraham Somechi

Somechi  died of stab wounds sustained in Sunday's rampage in southern Holon;  'He was a good father and grandfather'

Avraham Somechi is the second victim of the stabbing attack on Sunday in Holon. Somechi, an octogenarian, left behind a wife, two children, and five grandchildren. In his memory, stones and an Israeli flag were placed today at the site of his murder. The other victim of the attack was Rina Daniv, 66.
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זירת הפיגוע
זירת הפיגוע
Scene of the attack
On Monday morning, his widow Miriam eulogized him. "Every day he would take me to work and then go for a walk to get the morning newspaper. Yesterday was different; he took a bus instead of walking. I asked my son why Dad hadn't come home yet, and I didn't know what had happened because I was at work. The country lost a great man. He was a good father and grandfather," she said.
Daniv, the other victim of the attack, was also buried at the Holon cemetery. Her husband, Shimon, 69, sustained moderate to severe injuries in the attack and arrived at the cemetery from his hospital bed at Wolfson Medical Center.
"We came to say goodbye to a dear and beloved woman, a very charismatic figure," he eulogized. "Rina was the boss of the Daniv family. She was a grandmother who knew how to give love to her grandchildren. Every morning she would go for walks with me. Together we walked and broke records. We made the most of every moment in life. She knew how to prepare a favorite meal for each and every family member at Friday dinners. Your loss is profound and deep. Your legacy is the good memories you left us. Rest in peace."
Rina's son, Oz Daniv, also eulogized her: "Why you? I will speak about Mom in the present tense; it's hard to talk about her in the past tense. The best mother in the world, the biggest heart in the world, always loving to contribute and volunteer, always there when needed. Mom and Dad loved to go exercise. They went out and walked. They got up today like every morning and went for a walk near the house.
"They murdered Mom in cold blood and injured Dad. Mom, you are a hero. According to what Dad says, she was the first to see the terrorist who came up behind them, she jumped toward Dad and protected him with her body. Mom, you are a role model, you will be missed. I want to thank the security forces who neutralized the terrorist and saved lives. Mom, I love you very much."
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רינה ושמעון דניב
רינה ושמעון דניב
Rina was killed, her husband Shimon survived the attack
(Photo: Courtesy of the family)
In the attack, Yaakov Levertov, 26, who was walking his dog, was also injured.
The terrorist, Ammar Razek Kamel Odeh, 35, from the West Bank town of Salfit , who entered Israel without a permit three days earlier, started his stabbing spree in a park behind a gas station. From there, he continued toward the sidewalk and bus stop on the street, adjacent to the gas station.
He stabbed three people in a park and another person on the sidewalk. The officer who neutralized the terrorist is an operations officer from the Holon station with the rank of captain, who was in his police vehicle with another officer on their way to the station. The two noticed the incident, engaged the terrorist, and neutralized him after he managed to stab four people.
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