Be'er Sheva teenager saves baby in distress during pizza delivery

Gilad Zargari was making a delivery around the southern city as usual but when he arrived at the listed address, he heard cries of terror coming from inside the house; his quick wit and resourcefulness saved the life of a 14-month-old child
Ilana Curiel|
Gilad Zargari is a high school student from Be'er Sheva who also works in pizza deliveries on weekends. Last Saturday, he went to make a delivery around the southern city, but when he arrived at the listed address, he heard cries of terror coming from inside the house.
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  • The 17-year-old, who also volunteers for the Magen David Adom (MDA) emergency service in his spare time, realized immediately that something was amiss and knocked on the door.
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    גלעד זרגרי
    גלעד זרגרי
    Gilad Zargari
    (Photo: Haim Horenstein)
    The door opened and Zargari was greeted by Ran — a young father who was visibly upset. Ran told him that his 14-month-old baby daughter was in serious distress.
    Zargari told the father he had medical training and the two went to the next room, where they found the mother holding her baby who was suffering from a severe seizure.
    As soon as he examined the child, Gilad realized that she was suffering from a very high fever that was endangering her life. The quick-witted teenager quickly wrapped her with a wet towel in order to cool her body and called an ambulance.
    When first responders arrived at the scene, the girl's condition had already stabilized and she regained consciousness thanks to Gilad's prompt treatment. The medics said that Gilad's resourcefulness most probably saved the child from irreversible brain damage and even death.
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    A Magen David Adom ambulance
    (Photo: Shutterstock)
    The young parents told Ynet that they had completely forgotten about ordering pizza in the midst of the ensuing frenzy but were happy that when they opened the door, they had the pizza delivered to them "with life on top."
    Gilad, who has been volunteering with MDA for a year, described the situation as one of the most unusual and moving ones he took part in.
    "Life gives us opportunities to do good. I'm thankful I was there at the right time and for the privilege I was given to save a life," he told Ynet.
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