Rescued hostage Farhan Alkadi finally home after 10 months in Gaza

Day after rescue from Gaza tunnel, Alkadi returns home to the Negev; his son Salah shares family’s fears since his abduction, saying they worried 'we might never hug him again'; convoy escorts him home, 327 days after his capture

Hassan Shaalan|
Farhan Alkadi's family awaits his arrival from the hospital
(Video: Hassan Shaalan)

Farhan Alkadi, who was rescued on Tuesday from a Hamas tunnel in southern Gaza, has been released from Soroka Medical Center in Be'er Sheba and returned home to his family in the Negev, who had been anxiously awaiting his return for over ten months.
Alkadi, a 52-year-old resident of the Bedouin community in the Negev and father of 11, was abducted on October 7 from Kibbutz Magen near the Gaza border, where he worked as a security guard at a packing house.
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 רגעי המפגש המרגש של פרחאן קאדי שחולץ היום משבי חמאס בעזה, עם בני משפחתו בבית החולים סורוקה
 רגעי המפגש המרגש של פרחאן קאדי שחולץ היום משבי חמאס בעזה, עם בני משפחתו בבית החולים סורוקה
Farhan Alkadi
(Photo: GPO)
"We had no life without our father; it was so hard without him," said his son, Salah. "His return was the happiest surprise of our lives," he added, as a convoy of vehicles accompanied his father to a welcoming tent set up in his honor.
"He came back to us alive, even though we feared we might never hug him again. I feel like I've been reborn. Now we'll live life to the fullest and restore the joy and good feelings that my father lost over these months."
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בנו של החטוף קאדי פרחאן אלקאדי מקבל אותו בביתו שברהט
בנו של החטוף קאדי פרחאן אלקאדי מקבל אותו בביתו שברהט
Alkadi's son Salah
(Photo: Hassan Shaalan)
Alkadi's nephew expressed his astonishment at his uncle's return. "I was shocked when he came back—I didn't believe it until I hugged him. Honestly, I didn’t expect him to return alive." He added, "Everyone in the community feels like Farhan is their own son. He’s someone who always helps others and never harms anyone. I'm sure he’s willing to save lives and sacrifice his own for others."
After meeting Alkadi at Soroka Medical Center in Be'er Sheva, where he was taken following his rescue, his relatives shared that he had lost significant weight, surviving mostly on bread and not eating every day.
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בית משפחתו של החטוף קאדי פרחאן אלקאדי לקראת שחרורו מבית החולים סורוקה
בית משפחתו של החטוף קאדי פרחאן אלקאדי לקראת שחרורו מבית החולים סורוקה
(Photo: Menahem KAHANA / AFP)
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בית משפחתו של החטוף קאדי פרחאן אלקאדי לקראת שחרורו מבית החולים סורוקה
בית משפחתו של החטוף קאדי פרחאן אלקאדי לקראת שחרורו מבית החולים סורוקה
(Photo: Menahem KAHANA / AFP)
"He’s on his feet and speaking coherently," they said. "He thought about his family constantly and never lost faith that he would make it out. We don’t know how he survived, but he did, and that’s what matters."
Alkadi's brother Hatem told Ynet in an interview that he was held in complete darkness and was unable to distinguish between day and night. "He was reborn," Hatem remarked.
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החטוף קאדי פרחאן אלקאדי משחרר מבית החולים סורוקה
החטוף קאדי פרחאן אלקאדי משחרר מבית החולים סורוקה
Farhan Alkadi discharged from Soroka Medical Center
Hatem spent the entire night at Soroka Medical Center by his brother's side. "I'm still at the hospital now. Thank God, he's physically okay, but it will take him time to process that this is all behind him," he said.
Hatem spent the entire night at Soroka Medical Center by his brother's side. "I'm still at the hospital now. Thank God, he's physically okay, but it will take him time to process that this is all behind him," he said.
Hatem added that his brother is still coming to terms with his release after losing hope during his captivity. "You can hear in his voice that he can hardly believe he's out of Gaza after all this time. There were moments when he lost faith in ever escaping the darkness," Hatem explained.
Farhan Alkadi meeting with 162nd Division Commanding Officer BG Itzik Cohen and Shayetet 13 Commanding Officer Capt. A. moments after rescue
(Video: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)

He also noted that despite Farhan’s fluency in Arabic, it did not help his situation. "If it had made a difference, he would have been released in the earlier rounds. They treated him as an Israeli," Hatem said.
Farhan asked his brother to share a message on his behalf: "Even though I'm out, please remember there are still others in that darkness who need to be rescued." Farhan Alkadi is expected to be released from Soroka Medical Center later Wednesday.
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