IDF warns Khan Younis residents to flee

Military uses phone, text, voice mail and social media to tell residents that Hamas fires rockets from the humanitarian zone and will be attacked; Palestinians report heavy fire in the area 

Residents of neighborhoods in the northern part of Khan Younis were told late on Saturday, to evacuate to safety immediately. The Arabic language military spokesperson said Hamas was using the humanitarian zone there, to fire rockets at Israel and an attack was imminent.
The IDF said it was calling residents, sending them text messages and voice mail and using social media to urge an immediate evacuation of civilians to prevent casualties. The military added that they informed the local health officials and international organizations that the hospitals in the humanitarian zone, need not evacuate.
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עקירת מאות עזתים מאזורי מזרח חאן יונס אל מערבה
עקירת מאות עזתים מאזורי מזרח חאן יונס אל מערבה
Residents of Khan Younis evacuate to safety after IDF warning
(Photo: Bashar Taleb / AFP)
On Sunday, Palestinians reported heavy fire in the city as the military targeted areas, reducing the humanitarian zone. IDF troops returned to Khan Younis, two weeks after the forces withdrew.
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חאן יונס
חאן יונס
IDF strikes Khan Younis late last week
(Photo: Bashar Ta;eb / AFP)
IDF Spokesperson Read Admiral Daniel Hagari said on Thursday, that according to intelligence, terrorists returned to the area and rebuilt their infrastructure there.
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