IDF expands operations in Gaza, eliminates dozens of terrorists

98th Division intensifies Gaza raids following intelligence on terrorist activity and rocket launches; 7th Armored Brigade and Paratroopers Brigade expand efforts in Khan Younis and Deir al-Balah; paratrooper seriously wounded

98th Division forces operating in Gaza
(Video: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)

The IDF's 98th Division has expanded its operations in Gaza, killing dozens of terrorists and dismantling significant terror infrastructure following intelligence warnings about terror activity and rocket launches from the humanitarian zone in the Palestinian enclave, the army reported Sunday evening.
The Paratroopers Brigade, also under the 98th Division, continues its mission in Khan Younis, where a 202nd Battalion soldier was seriously wounded by an anti-tank missile.
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פעילות כוחות אוגדה 98 ברצועת עזה
פעילות כוחות אוגדה 98 ברצועת עזה
98th Division forces operating in Gaza
(Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
The 98th Division's expanded efforts include operations in the Qatari-built Hamad neighborhood in northwest Khan Younis and near Deir al-Balah, continuing their search for and identification of more underground tunnels. These actions, supported by heavy fire, resulted in the destruction of dozens of terror infrastructures and the elimination of terrorist cells.
Additionally, the 7th Brigade has advanced toward the outskirts of Deir al-Balah in central Gaza after neutralizing dozens of terrorists and destroying underground tunnels in northern Khan Younis.
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פעילות כוחות אוגדה 98 ברצועת עזה
פעילות כוחות אוגדה 98 ברצועת עזה
(Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
On Saturday, the IDF announced the deaths of two reservists, Major (Res.) Yotam Itzhak Peled, 34, from Rosh Haayin, and Sgt. Maj. (res.) Mordechai Ben Shoam, 34, from Geva Binyamin. They were killed by an explosive device in the Netzarim corridor in central Gaza.
Peled, who commanded the administrative support company in the 16th Brigade's 8119th Battalion, also volunteered with the Chesed Chaim Ve'Emet organization, which assists bereaved families. Ben Shoam is survived by his wife, Natali, and their 9-month-old daughter.
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