850 גג

Drone detonates in Kiryat Shemona after siren delays

Footage from northern city shows Hezbollah UAV diving and causing loud explosion with belated warning sirens sounding  after the fact

Hezbollah drone exploding in northern Israel

In recent months, the IDF has been grappling with the threat of Hezbollah's kamikaze drones which have inflicted heavy damage on northern communities and caused numerous casualties. A video obtained by Ynet from Thursday shows a drone flying over Kiryat Shemona, exploding after a few seconds, and only then do sirens begin sounding.
The video is being released with the Israeli Military Censor's approval and has been blurred according to its request, but the gap between the loud explosion of the drone and the moment the sirens start can be heard clearly.
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כטב"ם שנפל במועצה האזורית מטה אשר
כטב"ם שנפל במועצה האזורית מטה אשר
Hezbollah UAV in northern Israel
The footage highlights, not for the first time, the significant challenges in dealing with this new threat in the ongoing war and the reality faced by residents who chose not to evacuate the area.
Additionally, tens of thousands of other Israelis live in and near combat zones and are facing Hezbollah missile fire, but the IDF has decided not to evacuate them. These residents are suffering and aren’t receiving any support from the government in terms of funds, personal security, education, and welfare.
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לחימה בגזרת הצפון
לחימה בגזרת הצפון
Missile interceptions above the Galilee region
(Photo: Jalaa MAREY / AFP)
Israeli Air Force fighter jets and other air defense systems take part in intercepting the drones launched by Hezbollah, as well as those launched from Iraq and Yemen. The IDF often succeeds in intercepting the munitions, without causing injuries or damages.
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