Police arrest suspect in West Bank car bomb plot, anti-terror forces say

Troops enter Halhul hospital to apprehend man suspected of involvement in foiled mass-casualty car bombing plot near Gush Etzion

Troops arrest terror suspect in Halhul hospital
(Video: Israel Police)

Israeli anti-terror police arrested a suspect involved in a thwarted car bomb attack in the West Bank, authorities said Tuesday.
The suspect was detained at a hospital in the Palestinian city of Halhul, north of Hebron, after an attempted mass casualty attack late last month.
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מעצר תושב חלחול שהיה מעורב בפיצוץ מכונית תופת סמוך לחברון
מעצר תושב חלחול שהיה מעורב בפיצוץ מכונית תופת סמוך לחברון
Troops enter a Halhul hospital to detain terror suspect
(Photo: Israel Police)
The plot involved two car bombs, one of which exploded near a gas station at the Gush Etzion intersection, while the other detonated after being stopped by a security guard at a nearby settlement. Four people were injured in the attacks.
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מעצר תושב חלחול שהיה מעורב בפיצוץ מכונית תופת סמוך לחברון
מעצר תושב חלחול שהיה מעורב בפיצוץ מכונית תופת סמוך לחברון
Car bomb detonates in botched West Bank terror attack
(Photo: Israel Police)
On the same day, security forces discovered and dismantled a vehicle loaded with 176 pounds (80 kilograms) of explosives on a road leading to a northern West Bank settlement, where school buses were expected to pass. The car was rigged with a remote detonation device and a camera, intended to maximize casualties by timing the explosion for an opportune moment.
The commander of the anti-terror unit praised his forces for their skill, bravery, and unwavering commitment to Israel's security.
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