Rocket from Lebanon explodes on outskirts of Jerusalem

The rocket knocked out power to the area and sparked several fires; Meanwhile, in the western Galilee there were explosions in Nahariya as two armed drones were intercepted: Watch the footage

A rocket launched from Lebanon into the Binyamin area east of Jerusalem exploded Saturday night in an open area near the settlement of Mitzpe Hagit sparking fires in the area. In footage of the impact, the rocket knocks out electricity in the settlements. Watch the video:
Rocket falls near Kfar Adumim

At 10:05 p.m., alarms were activated in a series of settlements in Binyamin, including Nofei Prat, Mishor Adumim industrial area, Kfar Adumim, Almon, Alon, Geva Binyamin, Ma'ale Michmash, Shaar Binyamin industrial area, Mitzpe Yericho and Ma'ale Adumim.
The IDF spokesman reported that the rocket alert sirens were activated following a single launch from Lebanon. Following the impact, fires broke out in the Michmash area of ​​Binyamin, and firefighting teams from the Binyamin regional station were dispatched to the area. Fire and rescue spokespersons reported that the fire threatens the settlement, and that after scanning the area it is clear that the rocket did not land on a building, contrary to reports circulating through various channels.
Teams from Magen David Adom arrived at the scene after receiving several calls for help. In addition, the Binyamin Regional Council reported that there are power outages in several localities due to the fire. A short time later, the electric company updated that it had restored the electricity supply to the localities of Ma'aleh Michmash and Mitzpe Hagit.
Rocket alert sirens sound during Selichot prayers at a synagogue in Nahariya
( צילום: יאיר קראוס)

Drone intercepted over Nahariya

About an hour later, alarms were set off warning of the intrusion of hostile aircraft in several communities in the Western Galilee, including Nahariya, Gesher HaZiv, Betzet, Rosh Hanikara, Liman, Matzuva, Hof Betzet, North Military Industrial Zone, Ben Ami, Shlomi, Sa'ar, Evron and Shavei Zion. Several explosions were heard in the area after two drones were intercepted, according to the IDF spokesman. The Home Front Command later declared the incident to be over.
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