Who will save Ariel, still a hostage on his 5th birthday?

Ariel Bibas's aunt, Ofri, appeals to the prime minister to sign a deal to release her two nephews and their parents along with the other 111 hostages, and tells Ariel on his 5th birthday that he is a hero  

Ofri Bibas Levi|
At this moment I was supposed to be out shopping for a present for Ariel's fifth birthday. We should have been planning our outing to the south to celebrate with him as we'd done for four years before he was taken hostage.
The massacre on October 7, and the abduction of Ariel, baby Kfir, Mom Shiri and Dad Yarden, should not have taken place. They should not have been abandoned as they were. This cannot go on. They could have been with us at home, and until they return we can have no celebrations.
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Ariel Bibas
(Photo: Courtesy of the family )
Our prime minister went to Washington a fortnight ago, taking with him a drawing Ariel made. The little boy told his kindergarten teacher that he drew himself, "flying and saving people trapped in a hole."
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בנימין ושרה נתניהו נפגשים עם דונלד טראמפ ותמונתו של אריאל ביבס
בנימין ושרה נתניהו נפגשים עם דונלד טראמפ ותמונתו של אריאל ביבס
Donald Trump and Benjamin Netanyahu hold a picture of Ariel Bibas and a drawing he made
(Photo: GPO)
Those words are a knife to my heart, and I ask: Who will save Ariel? Who will save Kfir, Shiri and Yarden and the other 111 hostages?
I appeal to you Mr. Prime Minister - It is not enough to show Ariel's drawing. Sign the deal you authored. Don’t add changes or new red lines. Don't hesitate and don't delay. No more talk of revenge and destruction. No more loss and death. It's time for hope, for rebuilding, for life.
Today we will gather with family members to light a birthday candle on a cake for Ariel and to observe a moment of silence asking for the release of him and all of the hostages, those who are alive to be rehabilitated and those who are dead to be buried. That is not only our hope it is our demand. It is our cry.
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The Bibas family
Luli, you are a hero, like Batman whom you love so much. My wish for you is to see you next year, for us to hug again, to watch you play with your cousins, dance with them, and fool around. I want you to meet Afik, to watch your baby brother Kfir grow up, hug your dad Yarden, and allow your mom Shiri to plan your sixth birthday party.
We will not give up. We love you very much, Aunt Fifi.
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