Ayelet Shaked allies with Jewish Home ahead of November 1 ballot

After publicly stating she had been wrong when she agreed to join a coalition with center-left, Shaked says she is returning home to where her heart is and will name Netanyahu as her preferred prime minister after elections
Moran Azulay, Udi Segal, Doria Lampel|
Yamina leader Ayelet Shaked joined forces with the Jewish Home Party ahead of the November elections as the deadline to submit candidate lists for the Knesset race is just two days away.
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  • 'I am happy that we succeeded in rebuilding a home for right-wing religious Zionism in Israel. We will work to form a stable right-wing coalition," she said in a statement.
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    איילת שקד
    איילת שקד
    Ayelet Shaked
    (Photo: Yariv Katz)
    She told reporters she intended to recommend Benjamin Netanyahu to be the next prime minister, thus increasing his chances of forming the next government.
    However should her new political partnership fail to obtain the minimum votes to cross the Knesset threshold, she would be blamed for a loss of right-wing votes.
    Her earlier alliance with the Spirit of Zionism dissolved early this week over her decision to agree to join a narrow coalition headed by former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, should he win enough seats to form a government.
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    איילת שקד ויועז הנדל בהכרזה על הקמת מפלגת הרוח הציונית, בחודש יולי
    איילת שקד ויועז הנדל בהכרזה על הקמת מפלגת הרוח הציונית, בחודש יולי
    Yoaz Hendel and Ayelet Shaked announce Spirit of Zionism alliance
    (Photo: Yair Sagi)

    She condemned the position of her short lived partners' who would prefer further election cycles to a Netanyahu-led coalition.
    Shaked on Monday, public acknowledged she had made mistakes when agreeing to serve in a government made up of center-left parties and the Islamist Ra'am party.
    "Yes, I have made mistakes," Shaked said in a Twitter post. "As a servant of the people, I have made decisions, some of which have been wrong, but I've always acted in the interest of Israel only. Now is the time to learn and repair and move forward," she said.
    "Today I am returning home to where my heart is. We will rebuild a home for the responsible and pragmatic right-wing and of course for religious Zionism," she said.
    Shaked, who began her political career along side former prime minister Naftali Bennett, at the head of the Jewish Home Party, had followed Bennett to form alternative political ventures, aiming to attract a wider range of right-wing voters, until landing in a narrow coalition with the center-left parties, united by the desire to keep Netanyahu from power.
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    מליאת הכנסת
    מליאת הכנסת
    Ayelet Shaked and Naftali Bennett
    (Photo: Yoav Davidovitch)
    She claimed her intent was to avoid further election cycles, brought on by Netanyahu's opponents' refusal to serve with him in the same coalition because of his indictment on charges of corruption and because of what was claimed to be his less than stellar record with the truth and his willingness to uphold political agreements he had made.
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