Israel's coalition clears bill protecting Netanyahu from ouster for vote

Bill to be made into basic law would enable recusal of prime minister only in cases of physical or mental incapacity and Supreme Court could not weigh in on demands to remove Netanyahu; First reading of law to take place later in the day
Moran Azulay, Sivan Hilaie|
A special Knesset committee on Monday cleared a bill that would prevent the ouster of the prime minister, for its first plenum vote later in the day.
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  • The bill was proposed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's coalition whip and Likud member Ofir Katz after concerns that the attorney general would decide that Netanyahu must be recused because of his criminal trial while he is pushing through legislation that would directly affect his legal challenges.
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     ישיבת ממשלה
     ישיבת ממשלה
    Benjamin Netanyahu
    (Photo: Reuters)
    According to the proposed basic law, the Supreme Court would be barred from deliberating a possible recusal of the premier.
    It states, that only physical or mental incapacity would require the recusal.
    In the event that a recusal would be demanded, in opposition to the decision of the government, a 90-seat majority, out of the Knesset 120 seats would be required to bring the recusal into effect.
    According to the coalition, the law is necessary to prevent subversion of the will of voters by removing the prime minister from office. Only the Knesset by a two-thirds majority, or the government could force a premier to be recused.
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    הוועדה המיוחדת לתיקונים לחוק יסוד הממשלה
    הוועדה המיוחדת לתיקונים לחוק יסוד הממשלה
    Coalition whip Ofir Katz
    (Photo: Yoav Dudkevitch )
    "There is no country where a court can force recusal on a prime minister," Katz said. "We will not let any judicial official cause a revolution. We are protecting democracy," he said.
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