Ben-Gvir says will speak to EU event despite request to replace him

EU in a message to the Foreign Ministry says the minister's views and prejudices contradict the values represented by the European body and request the government send a different representative to honor annual "Europe Day"
Itamar Eichner|
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National Security Ministry, on Sunday, issued a statement saying Minister Itamar Ben Gvir will speak at the EU's "Europe Day" event."
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איתמר בן גביר בישיבת הממשלה
איתמר בן גביר בישיבת הממשלה
Itamar Ben-Gvir
(Photo: Mark Israel Salem)
"The minister will talk about the importance of the EU and Israel jointly fighting terror and will call of strengthening the cooperation and uniting around the fight against Jihad and the terrorists and will caution against financing actions taken against IDF soldiers," the statement continued.
"The minister believes that in a democracy, different views can and must be heard," Ben-Gvir's ministry said.
The statement followed a request from the EU to the Foreign Ministry requesting Ben-Gvir who was assigned by the government to speak at the event on Tuesday, would be replaced with another representative.
European ambassadors have not agreed to meet the minister because of his expressed view although there was no official decision to boycott him.
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בן גביר בהר הבית
בן גביר בהר הבית
Ben Gvir during a visit to Temple Mount last January

EU's ambassador to Israel Dimiter Tzantchev, has also never met the radical right minister or any other member of his Otzma Yehudit party.
The EU's delegation said it does not support the political views of Ben-Gvir or his party and in fact many of his public statements and prejudices contradicted the values that the EU represents.
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Action not words
I’m not sure if he’s attending in person or virtually but the EU should issue a warrant for his arrest for his continued involvement in inciting violence.
Joe| 05.07.23
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How much longer ?
How far down is Ben Gvir draging Israel down internally and externally. ? Is it not yet time to break up with him and lock him up in an a mental institution awaiting Bibi to join him there ?
Joseph London | 05.07.23
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The European values, views & prejudices.
The ones that Jews have come to know so well for centuries. The European request to send another candidate to speak at their 'o so democratic ""Europe day""" might be difficult as Israel doesn't have candidates with the same values. In Israel all ministers are elected.....not like in the EU with their one sided, anti Israel/Jewish values, views & prejudices. .
tiki| 05.07.23
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