Outrage as Turkish embassy in Tel Aviv lowers flag to half-mast in honor of Haniyeh

Foreign Minister Israel Katz summons the Turkish deputy ambassador for a severe reprimand over the flag-lowering; 'Israel will not tolerate expressions of mourning for a murderer like Ismail Haniyeh'

The Turkish Embassy in Israel lowered on Friday its flag to half-mast at its Tel Aviv building. The move was part of a day of mourning declared by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan for the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh.
Other Turkish embassies worldwide took similar actions, but in Israel, it was seen as particularly provocative, given Haniyeh's role in orchestrating terror attacks that killed hundreds of Israelis.
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הדגל בשגרירות טורקיה בישראל הורד לחצי התורן
הדגל בשגרירות טורקיה בישראל הורד לחצי התורן
The Turkish Embassy in Tel Aviv
(Photo: Dana Kopel)
Foreign Minister Israel Katz announced that he has summoned the Turkish deputy ambassador for a severe reprimand over the flag-lowering. "Israel will not tolerate expressions of mourning for a murderer like Ismail Haniyeh, who led the Hamas terrorist organization responsible for the atrocities of October 7. Haniyeh and his associates even held prayers of thanks and wished the killers success while watching the horrific scenes on television. If the embassy staff wants to mourn, they can go to Turkey and mourn with their master Erdogan, who embraces Hamas and supports its murderous actions," Katz said.
A political source described the embassy's actions as "disgusting," adding, "It's revolting that the Turkish Embassy in Israel saw fit to lower the flag for someone responsible for the murder of hundreds of Israelis. Such insensitivity. Such callousness."
National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir called for the Turkish ambassador's expulsion, although the ambassador had left Israel at the start of the conflict. "The lowering of the flag at the Turkish Embassy in Israel as a 'tribute' to Haniyeh shows exactly what they think of us. The Turkish ambassador is invited to lower the flag completely and return to his country. I call on the Foreign Minister and the Prime Minister to summon the Turkish ambassador for a hearing ahead of his expulsion from the country," Ben-Gvir said.
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הדגל בשגרירות טורקיה בישראל הורד לחצי התורן
הדגל בשגרירות טורקיה בישראל הורד לחצי התורן
(Photo: Dana Kopel)
The Turkish Foreign Ministry responded to Katz's post: "Peace cannot be achieved by killing negotiators and threatening diplomats."
Israel and Turkey have practically downgraded their diplomatic relations amid the ongoing war and President Erdogan's harsh rhetoric against Israel and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Junior diplomats are currently stationed at the Turkish Embassy in Tel Aviv and the Israeli Embassy in Ankara, with only limited communication maintained between the two countries.
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