Hamas in search of Haniyeh replacement

Officials in Gazan terror group meet in Qatar to elect a new politburo head; reports suggest Sinwar aims for Khalil al-Hayya to take the reigns

Qatari news outlet Al Hadath reported on Saturday that Hamas leadership gathered in the country in order to elect an interim successor to its politburo head Ismail Haniyeh who was assassinated in Tehran last week, until elections for the role could take place.
Hamas leader in Gaza Yhaya Sinwar reportedly backs Hamas official Khalil al-Hayya for the role, as he’s currently looking for a candidate on good terms with Iran and Syria, placing another senior official Khaled Mashal at a disadvantage.
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סינוואר, איסמעיל הנייה עם חאלד משעל
סינוואר, איסמעיל הנייה עם חאלד משעל
Khaled Mashal and Ismail Haniyeh, Yahya Sinwar
"Hamas’ politburo and Shura Council held urgent meetings. The deep discussions were characterized by the knowledge the murder of Haniyeh and his pure blood will only strengthen Hamas and the resistance with determination and power to continue its path," the terror group said in a statement.
Hamas’ politburo leadership recently lost Saleh al-Arouri, who was assassinated in Beirut in early January. Haniyeh was first elected to replace Khaled Meshaal politburo head in May 2017, after Meshaal announced he would not run for the position again in 2016.
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יחיא סינוואר
יחיא סינוואר
Yahya Sinwar
(Pיםאם: AP)
Haniyeh, who was previously Mashaal's deputy, spent only four months in the Gaza Strip after his election before moving to Doha, Qatar. He hasn’t returned to Gaza since, likely fearing Israel would target him.
Hamas’ General Shura Council holds elections for politburo positions every four years. Thus, Haniyeh was elected for another term in 2021. The council consists of Hamas members divided into four regions: the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, abroad, and prisons. Each region elects its own leader via an advisory council, which is also elected.
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