Slain hostage in Hamas propaganda video: 'Stay strong and united'

Family of Alex Lobanov, executed by Hamas in Rafah tunnel, approves release of video filmed by his captors where he describes harsh conditions in captivity; 'My Alex and all six hostages endured a Holocaust,' his widow says

The family of Alex Lobanov, who was executed by Hamas while in captivity in a tunnel in Rafah, has authorized the release of a Hamas propaganda video published by the terrorist group.
In the video, Lobanov, who was kidnapped and held by Hamas alongside five other hostages, speaks about the harsh conditions of his captivity and addresses his family, urging them to "stay strong and united." He also criticizes Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli government.
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התיעוד האחרון של אלכס לובנוב ז"ל שנחטף ונרצח בשבי חמאס
התיעוד האחרון של אלכס לובנוב ז"ל שנחטף ונרצח בשבי חמאס
Alex Lobanov
"Good evening, everyone. My name is Alexander Lobanov, 32, from Ashkelon. On October 7, I was kidnapped from the party in Re’im during my work. We are being held in extremely difficult conditions. We lack basic necessities like water, food, electricity and hygiene. There are constant bombings. We are terrified and barely able to sleep. I’ve been moved through about 10 locations to keep me alive," Lobanov, likely under duress, says in the video.
"I appeal to Benjamin Netanyahu and the Israeli government: You failed us on October 7, and you continue to fail in every attempt to free us alive. You’re trying to kill us instead of making any deal. I’m asking my friends and the people of Israel for help. I left behind a pregnant wife, a two-year-old son and sick parents. Help them raise my voice. Take to the streets. Protest. Do everything to get us out alive. Let me remind you, more than 1,000 terrorists were released in the Shalit deal. My family: Michal, Tom, Mom, Dad, Anton, stay strong and united. I’m okay, I miss you, and I love you very much."
Lobanov's widow, Michal, reacted to the video's release, saying, "My Alex and all six of the hostages endured a Holocaust. This is what a Holocaust looks like. I will never forget, and I will never forgive."
Earlier this week, the IDF released footage of the tunnel in Rafah where Lobanov and five other hostages were killed, including Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Ori Danino, Eden Yerushalmi and Almog Sarusi, after surviving nearly 11 months in captivity under inhumane conditions. The video, presented to the families before being made public, was shown with their consent.
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ראיות מהמנהרה בה שהו ונרצחו החטופים אלמוג סרוסי כרמל גת הרש גולדברג פולין אלכס לובנוב עדן ירושלמי אורי דנינו
ראיות מהמנהרה בה שהו ונרצחו החטופים אלמוג סרוסי כרמל גת הרש גולדברג פולין אלכס לובנוב עדן ירושלמי אורי דנינו
The tunnel in which the hostages were found
(Photo: Israeli Army/REUTERS)
IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari is seen in the footage descending into the narrow, 65-foot-deep tunnel, concealed beneath a children's room. The tunnel was so cramped that he struggled to stand upright. Hagari described the scene, pointing out a dried pool of blood where the hostages were murdered. "This is a passage tunnel; you can’t stand up straight in it," he said, bent over, emphasizing the extreme humidity inside. He also displayed bottles of urine and what he suggested might be a makeshift latrine.
The footage revealed scattered personal items, including women’s clothing and hygiene supplies, as well as a chessboard. "We found a chess set here, pieces scattered everywhere," Hagari said. He also presented weapons used by the terrorists, including electric explosives, AK-47 magazines and shell casings that may have been part of the execution. Other items found included Qur’ans, headlamps and hairbrushes. "Everything will be documented and taken," he stressed.
Last week, Hamas released a similarly disturbing video of Carmel Gat, another hostage whose family approved its publication. In the video, she addressed her relatives, saying, "My dear family, I hope I still have a family to return to. I’m staying strong for you until this nightmare ends. I love you."
A separate video of Hersh Goldberg-Polin, also killed in the Rafah tunnel, was released shortly after. In it, he said, "Since I arrived in Gaza, I’ve survived with almost no medical care, little food and little water. I don’t remember the last time I saw the sun or breathed fresh air."
Days earlier, Hamas had also published a video of Eden Yerushalmi, where she addressed her family, saying, "To my dear family, whom I love and miss so much—Mom, Dad, Shani and Mai. I love you all so much and miss you." Her family approved the publication of a segment of the video, later writing, "Our Eden, we love you and miss you so much. You will forever remain in our hearts."
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