Shipment from Germany comes with hateful message

Israeli window company discovers antisemitic messages attached to supplies; 'It is unacceptable to receive antisemitic and hateful material, especially from Germany'

Haim and Benny Briskin, owners of an Israeli window company, found notes added to a shipment of parts, sent by their long-time German supplier, Roto Frank FTT GmbH company. "Fuck Israel," the notes said.
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המשלוח מגרמניה עם כתובות הנאצה
המשלוח מגרמניה עם כתובות הנאצה
The German shipment with the hateful addresses
"We have been working with the Germans for 15 years and there has never been anything like this. We were completely shocked when we opened the box and saw the notes with profanity," they said.
A letter of complaint was sent to the supplier. "We are writing to express our deep concern and disappointment regarding the recent incident, including materials received from your company, Roto Frank," they wrote.
This is not the first time Israeli businesses that work with international companies have been subjected to antisemitic incidents. Since the beginning of the war, business owners have reported cancellations of orders, refusals to cooperate with Israeli companies, and even boycotts and harassment.
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 בית הכנסת שנזרק עליו בקבוק תבערה בברלין
 בית הכנסת שנזרק עליו בקבוק תבערה בברלין
Firebombs hurled at Berlin Synagogue last year
"For the past 15 years, we have enjoyed a strong partnership characterized by mutual respect and professionalism," the Briskin brothers wrote in their letter to the supplier. "It is shocking and unacceptable to receive antisemitic and hateful material against us, especially from Germany. We don't know how we can trust your materials now. Someone could damage them to harm us," they wrote calling on their supplier to investigate the matter and take action against those responsible.
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