After mistakenly buried with Nazis, US Jewish GI to be interned in US

1st Lt. Nathan Baskind succumbed to his wounds in a German hospital days following the invasion of Normandy, buried with Nazi soldiers in mass grave

The remains of a Jewish-American soldier who was killed in 1944 and mistakenly buried with Nazis in a mass grave located in France were delivered to the United States for reburial in Tennessee set for June 23 following a special operation.
1st Lt. Nathan Baskind from Pittsburgh, was 28-years-old when he died. He survived the Allies’ D-Day invasion in World War II but was wounded and captured two weeks later and hospitalized in a German Air Force hospital.
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טקס לזכרו של נתן בסקינד
טקס לזכרו של נתן בסקינד
Service in Nathan Baskind's memory
(Photo: United States Army)
Two American organizations worked with the German Embassy in Israel to help identify Baskind's remains, which had been mixed in a mass grave in Cherbourg, Normandy.
"I am profoundly thankful for the extraordinary lengths that all of those groups have gone to," said Samantha Baskind, the Jewish soldier’s great-niece.
According to U.S. Army reports, Baskind and another soldier were on patrol south of Cherbourg on June 23, 1944 (17 days after the D-Day invasion). The other soldier, who believed Baskind had died from his wounds, managed to return to his unit despite his severe injuries.
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הנחיתה בנורמנדי
הנחיתה בנורמנדי
Soldiers in Normandy
(Photo: Shutterstock)
After the war, the Germans submitted Baskind’s death and burial report, which said he died while being treated at a German Air Force hospital in Cherbourg. He was buried in a local military cemetery. In 1957, the remains of 24 German soldiers from a mass grave in Cherbourg were dispersed, and objects belonging to Baskind were likely found.
After a weeks-long operation costing $50,000, Baskind's remains were collected and handed over to the U.S. Army on Tuesday.
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First published: 19:11, 05.30.24
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