UN ignores October 7 victims in exhibit for terror victims remembrance day

Even though October 7 was the most deadly terror attack of 2023 and the most deadly massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, the UN leaves out Israeli terror victims in its commemoration events

To mark the seventh commemoration of the International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism, a virtual high-level event titled "Voices for Peace: Victims of Terrorism as Peace Advocates and Educators" took place on August 21. The exhibition includes victims of the Twin Towers attack in 2001 and even terrorism in Indonesia but not a single representation of the October 7 massacre terror victims or any other Israeli terror victim.
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גלעד ארדן
גלעד ארדן
Gilad Erdan
The exhibition presented various stories and memorials as part of the commemoration events taking place on Wednesday at the United Nations, including a statement by Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and a panel of terror victims who are geographically and gender diverse.
However, the events do not include victims from the Hamas massacre in Gaza border communities, which is the largest terrorist attack of the year.
On his last day in office, the outgoing Israeli ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, recorded a video in which he strongly criticized the ignoring of the victims of the massacre.
Gilad Erdan slams remembrance day for ignoring Israeli victims
The exhibition at the visitor's entrance to the UN presents 15 posters of victims or survivors of terrorism next to an object that is unique to each of them along with a QR code that links to a video in which the victim shares his memory and what the object symbolizes for him. The exhibition features victims of the 9/11 terror attack, victims of terrorism from Indonesia and a Palestinian woman whose son was injured in a terrorist attack in New Zealand - though those looking at the poster would assume that she was the victim of an Israeli attack.
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תערוכה במטה האו"ם של קורבנות הטרור מכל העולם, התערוכה אינה מתייחסת לטבח ה-7.10
תערוכה במטה האו"ם של קורבנות הטרור מכל העולם, התערוכה אינה מתייחסת לטבח ה-7.10
Palestinian woman from New Zealand, but no Israelis
The exhibition seen by every visitor to the UN does not include a single representation of the victims of the October 7th massacre or of any other victim of Israeli terrorism.
Israel's new ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon, said: "The UN's ignoring of Israeli terror victims, and during the year of such a brutal and shocking massacre, is a disgrace and marks a new moral low for the UN. The October 7 massacre is the largest terrorist attack in the last year and the most brutal massacre against Jews since the Holocaust, in which 1,200 Israelis were murdered and 109 are still being held hostage in Gaza."
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תערוכה במטה האו"ם של קורבנות הטרור מכל העולם, התערוכה אינה מתייחסת לטבח ה-7.10
תערוכה במטה האו"ם של קורבנות הטרור מכל העולם, התערוכה אינה מתייחסת לטבח ה-7.10
UN exhibit of terror victims
"The UN was able to find the mother of a 'Palestinian terror victim' who was killed in New Zealand but was unable to find a single terror victim from the most brutal massacre that happened this year, or any Israeli terror victim from the thousands of terror incidents carried out against us. The Israeli delegation to the UN will make sure that no one in this building forgets October 7 and our hostages," Danon added. "As long as the UN doesn't declare Hamas a terrorist organization, this day remains utterly meaningless."
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