Sharks or electrocution? Donald Trump poses question in weird rally remark

During a rally in Las Vegas, former President Donald Trump made remarks concerning electric boat batteries and the risk of electrocution, and shark attacks

During a rally in Las Vegas, former President Donald Trump made remarks concerning electric boat batteries and the risk of electrocution, and shark attacks.
He posed a hypothetical scenario about a sinking electric boat, questioning whether he would prefer to stay on board and risk electrocution or jump into the water near a shark, despite being in a landlocked state.
Trump's fixation on sharks and his rambling speech raised concerns about his rasp of scientific concepts.
Political figures from both parties criticized Trump's remarks, suggesting he might be senile.
This article was written in collaboration with Generative AI news company Alchemiq
Sources: Newsweek, Yahoo News, Globe Echo,, WhoWhatWhy, Raw Story, Politizoom.
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