Police find drugs, weapons and military vehicle in a yard in northern Israel

A 29-year-old resident of the Golan Heights was detained after police found a military vehicle, weapons and marijuana plants in his yard; IDF called to investigate the origin of the vehicle and equipment

Eitan Glickman|
Israel Police found a military vehicle, munitions, a mortar shell and equipment for a drug farm after conducting a search in a yard in the Golan Heights of a 29-year-old suspect on Sunday.
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פעילות שוטרי המחוז הצפוני בישוב בצפון הגולן אותר בביתו של חשוד רכב צבאי מסוג אביר, ציוד צבאי רב ופצצת מרגמה
פעילות שוטרי המחוז הצפוני בישוב בצפון הגולן אותר בביתו של חשוד רכב צבאי מסוג אביר, ציוד צבאי רב ופצצת מרגמה
Israel Police finds military vehicle in a private residence
(Photo: Police)

Search finds weapons and other illegal equipment
(Video: Police)

The authorities detained the suspect for questioning at a police station and summoned IDF personnel to the scene to investigate the origin of the vehicle and property that were discovered. Additionally, authorities found several marijuana plants and equipment used for cultivating a drug lab.
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