State Comptroller launches probe of military failures, while war ongoing

The Chief of Staff receives document containing 33 matters that to be investigated; Englman urges Halevy to instruct all IDF units to grant access to different databases, including those related to interactions with political leaders and intelligence
Tova Tzimuki|
State Comptroller Matanyahu Englman has begun an investigation into the failings of the IDF leading up to the October 7 Hamas massacre. IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevy was told in a letter, to surrender all classified military material as well as any and all data regarding all levels of interaction between IDF and the political echelon.
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Unwilling to wait for neither a formal national investigative committee nor the conclusion of the war, the State Comptroller seems eager to delve into the most controversial areas in Israeli society, but not everyone is pleased with the direction he is taking.
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מתניהו אנגלמן והרצי הלוי
מתניהו אנגלמן והרצי הלוי
Englman expects Halevy's full cooperation
(Photo: Yair Sagi, IDF Spokesperson's unit)
"This is the ideal way of laying all the blame on the military, thereby absolving politicians," said an official. "It's a charade designed to turn the IDF into a scapegoat while ensuring politicians bear no cost from a national inquiry."
In his letter to Halevy, Englman said he expects full cooperation from every level and branch of the IDF, including surrendering sensitive and classified materials. Signs indicate Englman hopes for a streamlined process that will take no more than a few months, even as the IDF is busy dealing both with Hamas in the south and Hezbollah in the north.
The letter included a document detailing 33 separate issues that are set to be thoroughly examined, such as the events of October 7, border protection, data safety, IDF equipment disparity issues and national advocacy. However, the government's conduct will similarly be scrutinized, as the report will touch on all dealings within the Cabinet for two years prior to the war (A timeframe that includes the Bennett-Lapid government as well), work procedures within the intelligence community, how information preceding the massacre was collected and reviewed and Israel's own national perception of security, among others.
A State Comptroller's work proceedings are notably different than that of an official commission of inquiry, as his report will contain no public testimony, no protocols and no opportunity for officials who wish to be heard. A State Comptroller's mandate touches on acquisition, process streamlining, reviewing usage of public resources and public conduct above reproach.
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Yair Lapid and Naftali Bennett in the Knesset on Monday
Yair Lapid and Naftali Bennett in the Knesset on Monday
Their administration will also be reviewed
(Photo: Screenshot)
The 33 issues set to be examined are as follows:
1) The events and national response to October 7 2) Gaza Border control before the war 3) How did government and intelligence officials processed information about Hamas 4) National intelligence work procedures and protocols 5) Auxiliary squad status in Gaza border communities 6) Perception of national security and how it affected IDF procedures 7) How well was the IDF prepared to handle the subterranean threat posed by Hamas 8) Economical procedures for fighting terrorism 9) Informational security and how much was exposed to Hamas before the war 10) Lack of equipment for frontline soldiers 11) Development and allocation procedures for wartime equipment 12) How efficiently ammo was replenished 13) Effectiveness of security corridors in greater Jerusalem 14) How the IDF monitoring array faltered on October 7 15) A national communication apparatus to effectively handle evacuations 16) Warfare equipment manufacturing system 17) Identifying and evacuating the deceased from war torn areas 18) Cyber security for protecting national infrastructure and protecting communities 19) Nuclear research security 20) Sheltering spaces in smaller communities 21) How the security cabinet operated in 2022 and 2023 22) Management of civic security operations 23) The Re'im festival permit and security protocols 24) Security is Sderot and Ofakim 25) Operations within the National Security Ministry and coordination with police 26) Coordination between donation officials and government officials 27) Government's dealing with opinion makers 28) National advocacy during the war 29) Agricultural activities during the war 30) Managing evacuated communities during the war 31) Managing the disabled population 32) Transporting the wounded to hospitals when the war began 33) Emergency procedures for supplying food

"Building the war audit program"

"The organizational audit of the handling of the home front will begin within the next few days, with the start of the audit about the defense forces being conducted in accordance with the development of the war, in view of the fact that the war is still going on and that for more than 80 days IDF officers and soldiers are toiling day and night in a bloody war inside the Gaza Strip and all Israeli citizens must support them at this time," The State Comptroller's office said. "Nevertheless, it is clear even now that the Israeli government and the defense forces must conduct a thorough internal examination as to how the great failure on 7.10 occurred."
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