Hamas praises West Bank terror attack

Terror group says resistance will continue; minute-by-minute account of the failed coordinated attempt at a mass casualty terror attack on the West Bank 

Yoav Zitun, Liran Tamari, Einav Halabi|

Car bomb explodes at Gush Etzion gas station

Hamas on Saturday issued a statement praising the terror attack on Friday in the West Bank when two car bombs exploded in a failed attempt to carry out a mass casualty attack. "The resistance will continue as long as the occupation's aggression does," Hamas said. Three people were injured and two of the terrorists were killed on Friday.
In the Gush Etzion junction outside Bethlehem, one of the car bombs detonated near a gas station, in what is believed to be a malfunction. The driver managed to leave the vehicle before it blew up and attempted to attack troops nearby. He was killed on the scene.
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פיגוע בגוש עציון מכונית תופת
פיגוע בגוש עציון מכונית תופת
Car bomb detonates in Gush Etzion terror attack
( Photo: Ohad Zwigenberg / AP)
A second terrorist drove his car bomb into the neighboring settlement of Karmei Tzur, ramming through the gate and wounding the guard posted there. A security guard drove his car into the assailant's vehicle and opened fire. That car also exploded.
According to security forces' initial estimation, the two terrorists set out together on route 60 to carry out a coordinated mass casualty attack. One car turned into the gas station and the other drove to the settlement.
At 23:35 local time, the first car blew up. The terrorist who noticed his car was on fire, ran out and attempted to attack the gas station staff and the forces that were present.
Images from the scene show him outside his burning car trying to jump toward the soldiers who had their guns cocked.
A 24-year-old man was caught in the gunfire and suffered moderate injuries. He was transported to a Jerusalem hospital for care.
At 23:49, an alarm warned of an infiltration into the Karmei Tzur settlement, less than a mile away. Residents were instructed to remain indoors under lock and key. "Stay away from windows and doors and avoid any movement or noise," the IDF Homefront Command told them.
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פיגוע  סמוך לגוש עציון
פיגוע  סמוך לגוש עציון
IDF troops search for terrorists after two car bombs explode on West Bank on Friday
(Photo: Shalev Shalom)
A security guard who saw the terrorist force his way into the settlement drove into the truck and opened fire at the terrorist. At 23:55 that car exploded with the driver still inside. The security guard was lightly injured.
Troops began searching the area for any other terrorists who may be in or around the settlement, using flares, at 01:00 they were concerned that there may have been another infiltration and the residents were again warned to shelter in place. The all-clear was given to residents only after seven hours.
The IDF has been dealing with increased terror threats in the West Bank and in the area of Gush Etzion, they have seen a rise in the use of explosives in attempts to launch terror attacks. An explosive device exploded near a public bus there, earlier in the week.
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פיצוץ סמוך לגוש עציון
פיצוץ סמוך לגוש עציון
Security forces at the Gush Etzion intersection on the West Bank
(Photo: Shalev Shalom )
Security officials have warned of increased Iranian and Hamas efforts to smuggle weapons and explosives into the West Bank, primarily across the Jordan border.
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