BBC neglects to report fatal shooting of British-Israeli sisters as terror attack

London-based national broadcaster only refers to Palestinian killers of sisters Maia and Rina Dee as 'gunmen' with no reference to their nationality, nor circumstances of shooting
Dennis Bihler|
British public broadcaster BBC refrained in its reporting from pointing out the identity of the shooters who murdered British-Israeli sisters Maia and Rina Dee in a West Bank terror attack over the weekend, and only mentioning that they were shot.
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In its report, the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) mentioned Sunday that "two British-Israeli sisters killed in a shooting in the occupied West Bank...", however, there is no reference that the shooters were Palestinians, nor that it was a terror attack.
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מאיה ורינה די שנרצחו בפיגוע בצומת חמרה ומשפחתם
מאיה ורינה די שנרצחו בפיגוע בצומת חמרה ומשפחתם
Maia and Rina Dee (top) and the Dee family
(Photo: Facebook)
Throughout the article, the only mention of the Palestinian shooters responsible for the terror attack is during the description of events: "Their car was driven off the road after being shot at by gunmen."
Many of the Jewish community leaders in the United Kingdom also spoke out about the attack, as the UK government received criticism from some members of the community for its weakly-worded response to the killing of two of its own citizens.
One member of the Jewish community told Ynet that it was shocking that the UK statement didn’t even mention terrorism. “The response would be different if this happened elsewhere in the world. There is a double standard for British people killed in Israel,” he said.
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הרכב בזירת הפיגוע
הרכב בזירת הפיגוע
The car in which Maia, Rina and their mother Lucy Dee drove
(Photo: Yair Sagi)
Meanwhile, on Sunday, large crowds gathered in the West Bank settlement of Kfar Ezion cemetery to pay a last respect to Maia and Rina Dee. The funeral procession departed from the settlement of Efrat where the sisters resided and mourners were marching toward the cemetery in Kfar Ezion.
Their Mother Lucy (Lea), remains in critical condition, and she is hospitalized at Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital. She is still unconscious and connected to a respirator. The father, Rabbi Leo Dee said that during her surgery, bullets from her spine and neck were taken out.
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