Police identify three officers killed in West Bank drive-by shooting attack

Command Sergeant Major Hadas Branch, Chief Inspector Arik Ben Eliyahu and First Sergeant Roni Shakuri fatally shot in ambush; 'This attack shows what happens when terrorists are allowed to roam freely,' Ben-Gvir says from scene

Israeli authorities on Sunday identified three police officers killed in a shooting attack on Route 35 near the Tarqumiya checkpoint, north of Hebron, on Sunday morning. The officers—. The assailants abandoned the vehicle and fled.
Magen David Adom teams responded to the scene, and the road was closed to traffic. The IDF launched a manhunt for the attackers, imposing a blockade on the nearby village of Idna. Police Commissioner Dani Levy initially confirmed that the victims were officers traveling together.
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רנ"ג הדס ברנץ ז"ל, פקד אריק בן אליהו ז"ל, רס"מ רוני שקורי ז"ל
רנ"ג הדס ברנץ ז"ל, פקד אריק בן אליהו ז"ל, רס"מ רוני שקורי ז"ל
First Sergeant Roni Shakuri, Command Sergeant Major Hadas Branch and Chief Inspector Arik Ben Eliyahu
(Photo: Israel Police)
Chief Inspector Arik Ben Eliyahu, 37, from Kiryat Gat, leaves behind a wife, three children, parents and two sisters. His funeral is scheduled for 4 p.m. Sunday at the Kiryat Gat military cemetery. Command Sergeant Major Hadas Branch, 53, from Sde Moshe, is survived by her husband, three children, parents and five siblings.
First Sergeant Roni Shakuri, 61, from Sderot, leaves behind a wife, daughter, grandchild and three brothers. His funeral will be held at 6:15 p.m. Sunday at the Sderot military cemetery. Shakuri is the father of Sergeant First Class Mor Shakuri, who was killed defending the Sderot police station during the October 7 attacks. "The Israel Police stands with the grieving families and will support them forever. May their memories be a blessing," the police statement read.
Roni Shakuri's daughter and Mor's sister, Sapir Shitrit, shared memories of her sister, saying, "Mor always wanted to serve her country. When she decided to join the police, it didn’t surprise anyone. She was a true fighter."
Reflecting on Mor’s last moments during the attack on the Sderot station, Shitrit added, "She and other officers went to the roof to fight the terrorists. During the battle, she called our mother and, with incredible calm and strength, said, 'If anything happens to me, know that I love you and Dad, and take care of Sapir.' She recited the 'Shir LaMa'alot' and 'Shema Yisrael,' and then a sniper shot her. She died instantly."
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תיעוד מזירת פיגוע הירי בתרקומיה
תיעוד מזירת פיגוע הירי בתרקומיה
Scene of attack near Tarqumiya checkpoint
National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir visited the scene, directing his criticism at Defense Minister Yoav Gallant: "The right to life outweighs the freedom of movement for Palestinian residents." He added, "I intend to demand from those responsible for deploying checkpoints in Judea and Samaria to stop prioritizing freedom of movement and open more checkpoints—we see the consequences. This attack shows what happens when terrorists are allowed to roam freely."
Ben-Gvir continued, "They are scum, murderers, animals, and should not be released—they should be shot in the head. In a proper state, that's what should be done." He expressed hope that the death penalty for terrorists would finally be enacted.
Police Commissioner Dani Levy, speaking at the scene, vowed, "Together with all security forces, we will bring the terrorists to justice—we will arrest, neutralize, and eliminate them. This is what must be done. The officers were tasked with securing this area and providing public safety. We lost them today, and it's a difficult morning, but we are strong and will continue to ensure security."
Commander of the Judea and Samaria District, Major General Uzi Levy, noted, "There has been a significant increase in shooting incidents along the roads. We are on heightened alert to prevent further attacks. This morning was a severe attack against our officers. My condolences to the families."
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