Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses joint session of Congress: Gaza war 'clash between barbarism and civilization'

Thanks President Joe Biden for half a century of support and visiting Israel after October 7; Prime minister arrives with families of hostages held by Hamas and soldiers killed in war 

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday that there is today "a clash between barbarism and civilization." Speaking to a joint session of the U.S. Congress, Netanyahu said the United States and Israel must stand together and win. "When we stand together, a simple thing happens - we win, they lose," he said.
It was a record fourth speech by a foreign leader to a joint meeting of the Senate and House of Representatives, surpassing British wartime leader Winston Churchill, who made three. His address was punctuated by applause and standing ovations.
Thousands of demonstrators took to nearby streets amid the tightest security since the Jan. 6, 2021, attack. The Capitol building was surrounded by high fencing, with a heavy police presence.
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בנימין נתניהו ראש הממשלה בנאום בקונגרס
בנימין נתניהו ראש הממשלה בנאום בקונגרס
Benjamin Netanyahu addresses a joint session of Congress
(Photo: Reuters)
He described the horror of October 7, then introduced rescued hostage Noa Argamani, who accompanied Netanyahu to Washington and to the Congress. Argamani has been roundly criticized by the families of hostages still held in Gaza for accompanying Netanyahu on his visit.
Netanyahu thanked U.S. President Joe Biden for his "tireless efforts" on behalf of the hostages. In his speech to Congress, Netanyahu thanked the president for his support for Israel in the war and for coming to Israel almost immediately after October 7 "to stand with us in our darkest hour ... it will never be forgotten." He also thanked Biden for being a friend to Israel for half a century, and for calling himself "a proud Irish-Catholic Zionist."
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בנימין נתניהו ראש הממשלה בנאום בקונגרס
בנימין נתניהו ראש הממשלה בנאום בקונגרס
Benjamin Netanyahu on the floor of Congress
(Photo: J. Scott Applewhite/AP)
Netanyahu introduced members of his entourage, including the grandfather of the young Bibas brothers who are still being held hostage soldiers and the father of a fallen soldier. He introduced an Ethiopian-Israeli officer who ran eight miles to the southern border to fight on October 7 and Bedouin soldier Ashraf Bahiri who fouoght and killed terrorists in Kibbutz Be’eri, as well as two soldiers who were injured on October 7.
"For Israel, never again must never be an empty promise ... and after October 7, never again is now," Netanyahu said.
Netanyahu accused anti-Israel protesters of "standing with evil" in their support of Hamas; "They refuse to make the distinction between those who target terrorists and those who target civilians," he added. He said they should be ashamed of themselves, adding that Iran is funding the protests including those protesting his speech. "You have officially become Iran's useful idiots," he said in a message to the protesters."
Netanyahu reminded Congress that Israel is the state of the Jewish people. "It is our home, and it has always been our home," he said.
He criticized the college presidents who in a congressional hearing could not condemn antisemtisim taking place on their campuses.
Netanyahu condemned the opinion of the International Court of Justice for accusing Israel of starving Gazans and targeting civilians. He said that Israel has allowed 40,000 aid trucks into Gaza, carrying half a million tons of food. "It's not because Israel isn't sending it, it's because Hamas is stealing it," he said.
He said Hamas wanted its civilians to die while Israel took efforts to protect civilian lives in Gaza. Hamas fires on its own civilians, and uses them as human shields he said.
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יעקב ונועה ארגמני בקונגרס האמריקאי
יעקב ונועה ארגמני בקונגרס האמריקאי
Former hostage Noa Argamani and her father, Yaakov, enter the House of Representatives
(Photo: Itamar Eichner)
He said the "heroic" Israeli soldiers should be "commended" for how they fight the war, killing as few civilians as possible. He said unlike what some had said, there have been nearly no civilians killed in Rafah during the offensive there.
Netanyahu said the war is part of Iran's war on America. Iran understands that to truly challenge America it must first take control of the Middle East. Israel, he said, is standing in Iran's way. "When we're fighting Hamas, we're fighting Iran. When we're fighting Hezbollah, we're fighting Iran," he said, adding: "We're not only protecting ourselves, we're protecting you. Our enemies are your enemies, our fight is your fight, and our victory will be your victory."
He said he knows America has Israel's back, on both sides of the aisle. Netanyahu told Congress he appreciates the military aid supplied by the U.S. while Israel provides American with critical intelligence. "Give us the tools faster and we will finish the job faster," he said.
Netanyahu addressed the day after the war in Gaza. "The day after we defeat Hamas a new Gaza can emerge," Netanyahu said. Israel does not seek to resettle Gaza, he added. The prime minister said he envisions a civilian administration "run by Palestinians who do not seek to destroy Israel."
He said he seeks a security alliance in the Middle East to counter Iran. "All countries that have made peace and those who will make peace should be invited to join." He suggested it should be called the Abraham Alliance.
Netanyahu thanked former President Donald Trump for brokering the Abraham Accords, as well his support for Israel, including moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem and recognizing it as Israel's capital, as well as recognizing Israel's sovereignty on the Golan Heights.
He said that "Israel will always remain the United States' indispensable ally ... loyal friend and steadfast partner." He again thanked the United States for standing with Israel.
Netanyahu on Wednesday addressed a joint session of Congress after he was invited by the leaders of the House and Senate; it is the fourth time that Netanyahu has addressed the body. House Speaker Mike Johnson, who greeted the prime minister, said the United States and Israel are united in their mission to bring about the release of all of the hostages.
Netanyahu arrived on Capitol Hill accompanied by families of hostages and members of bereaved families whose sons were killed during the fighting in Gaza. Elon Musk is also in the chamber as a guest of the prime minister.
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בנימין נתניהו ומייק ג'ונסון בקונגרס
בנימין נתניהו ומייק ג'ונסון בקונגרס
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, House Speaker Mike Johnson
(Photo: J. Scott Applewhite / AP)
Vice President Kamala Harris did not preside over the session as is her traditional role as president of the Senate, and was replaced by Maryland Senator Ben Cardin, a Democrat.
Netanyahu entered the floor of Congress before the speech to applause from the majority of those present, along with whistles and a demonstrative sit-in by Democratic members of Congress. As he entered, a number of kidnapped family members stood up and revealed a yellow shirt with the inscription "Seal The Deal Now."

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