Terrorists in civil service: PA’s incitement sparks deadly attacks

Opinion: Terror attack in traffic jam near Maale Adumim shows how the Palestinian Authority’s policy of incitement against Israel, including Pay for Slay, results in more dead Israelis; as Ramadan approaches, it’s time to face the challenge head-on in West Bank
Brig. Gen. Amir Avivi|Updated:
Against the backdrop of numerous successful counterterrorism operations around the territory of Judea and Samaria, or the West Bank, by the Israel Defense Forces, the Israeli Security Agency (Shin Bet) and the Israel Police’s elite units, another well-planned antisemitic attack near Maale Adumim Thursday resulted in the death of one Israeli and severely wounded several others.
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The quick neutralization of the attacker on the spot by an individual who fought in Gaza for four months, with ample battle experience, illustrates the vitality of trained armed civilians on the scene to address deadly incidents within seconds.
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המחבל בזירת פיגוע הירי במחסום א-זעים
המחבל בזירת פיגוע הירי במחסום א-זעים
The terrorist who opened fire at cars stopped near a checkpoint outside of Maale Adumim
Especially as the Muslim holy month of Ramadan approaches, and as Israel fights on seven fronts, it is vital to keep an eye out for the possible eighth theater of war – the internal scene, especially in Jerusalem, by Palestinian terrorists and some Israeli Arab factions. The activity of the Israel Police in East Jerusalem is noteworthy in that regard. The number of arrests and the rampant level of incitement shows the spirit of Palestinian nationalism has not eluded Israel’s capital.
Yet terrorist attacks never occur in a void. For years, the Palestinian Authority has been inciting antisemitism, bragging about the success of Fatah, its main faction, in murdering Jews, and actively paying Palestinians to murder more and more Israelis in exchange for lavish paychecks.
In the Israel Defense and Security Forum study “Terrorists in the Civil Service,” the Research Department shows how the PA’s official policy, dubbed “Pay for Slay,” is anchored in laws designed to incentivize ordinary Palestinians to join the circle of terrorism as well as reward professional terrorists who murder Jews. Whether affiliated with Fatah, Hamas, Popular Front, or unaffiliated, the murderer will be paid over eight times the Palestinian minimum wage, four times more than the average Palestinian professor and engineer – 12,000 NIS per month at the highest bracket.
This attack also shows the complete dismantling of the PA’s ability to function and govern effectively. As Israel’s security forces successfully clean the mess that the PA leaves around the territory, arresting over 3,000 terrorists and suspects and thwarting hundreds of major attacks, the PA stands powerless against local factions that have effectively taken over enclaves in some parts of Judea and Samaria.
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זירת הפיגוע סמוך למעלה אדומים
זירת הפיגוע סמוך למעלה אדומים
Weapons used in the attack near Maale Adumim
(Photo: Israel Police spokesman)
In fact, a senior Israeli official said that they were reinvigorated with a determination to completely dismantle the terrorism infrastructure in Judea and Samaria. In the wake of October 7, Hamas’ strategy of the coalescence of theaters – its threat to intervene from Gaza if Israel acts in Judea and Samaria – was rendered moot. The success in Gaza activates the security forces to act around Judea and Samaria – one might even say, the Israeli coalescence of theaters.
It is the height of importance to level up internal Israeli preparedness as Ramadan approaches, by doubling down on terrorism infrastructure in Judea and Samaria and in Jerusalem, while noting possible effects on radical Israeli Arab factions.
That includes increased intelligence, arrests and strengthening the Rapid Response Squads staffed and run by local civilians, armed and organized to respond to events on the scene. In an era of new challenges, Israeli innovation must bring to the table new and daring measures.
First published: 23:36, 02.22.24
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