Ex-Shin Bet agent lambastes 'illegal' use of police force against protesters

Former security service official and anti-Netanyahu activist says he was arrested for lying in front of water cannon at Jerusalem protest last week, use of riot control measure not sanctioned by police
Former Shin Bet agent Gonen Ben Itzhak branded on Tuesday the use of riot control tactics by police at recent protests in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem as "illegal."
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  • "The decision to use the water cannon is illegal,” Ben Itzhak told i24NEWS. “Even by the protocol of the police, it’s illegal."
    Ben Itzhak said he was released from police custody last Wednesday after he was arrested for lying in front of a water cannon at a Jerusalem protest the night before.
    The event was part of a series of demonstrations across the country against the coronavirus measures, the government's handling of the economic crisis, and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
    Some rallies turned violent and saw police forces clashing with protesters and arresting dozens.
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    גונן בן יצחק נשכב מתחת למכת"זית בירושלים
    גונן בן יצחק נשכב מתחת למכת"זית בירושלים
    Gonen Ben Itzhak lies under water cannon at Jersualem protest
    (Photo: Reuters)
    The anti-Netanyahu activist said that the only way to get police to stop using the cannon was to lie under it, after he tried telling Jerusalem District police commander Doron Yadid that the use of such measures was forbidden.
    Ben Itzhak also said that Yadid is using excessive force against protesters to get quick results and prove himself fit for the top police position.
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    הפגנה הפגנות מפגינים ב תל אביב שדרות הרצל
    הפגנה הפגנות מפגינים ב תל אביב שדרות הרצל
    Protesters clash with police at Tel Aviv rally
    (Photo: AFP)
    "I think that the commander of Jerusalem area police is in an audition to get the support of [Public Security] Minister [Amir] Ohana and become the new commander of the police," he said.
    "I don’t think we need to be those who are suffering because of this position."
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