Sides still not budging in Qatar summit

Families of hostages protest in Tel Aviv calling on Netanyahu to ensure the immediate release of the captives; Hamas spokesperson says deal must include Israeli troop withdrawal from Gaza and return of residents to the north of the Strip 

Egyptian officials said on Thursday that there are still fundamental differences in the negotiations in Doha in what had been dubbed the Final Chance Summit to secure a cease-fire and hostage release deal, according to a report in the Al Qahera channel in Egypt. They said talks will continue for an additional day in an attempt to reach a deal.
A Hamas spokesperson said any agreement must include a complete withdrawal of IDF troops from the Gaza Strip and the return of evacuated residents to the northern areas.
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עבאס כאמל ראש המודיעין הכללי של מצרים, מוחמד אל-תאני ראש ממשלת קטאר, רונן בר, דדי ברנע, ויליאם ברנס
עבאס כאמל ראש המודיעין הכללי של מצרים, מוחמד אל-תאני ראש ממשלת קטאר, רונן בר, דדי ברנע, ויליאם ברנס
Abbas Kamel, Mohammed bin Al Thani, William Burns, David Barnea, Ronen Bar
((Photo: EPA, AP, Karim Jaafar / AFP,Yarir Sagi, Yariv Katz)
Hamas politburo member Hossam Badran said the Palestinian terror group sees that any negotiations must be based on a clear plan to implement what was agreed on previously.
Meanwhile, in Tel Aviv, families of hostages demonstrated calling on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to agree to a deal that would free the remaining 115 hostages, some dead, who have been held by Hamas since October 7.
The protesters blocked a main city road lighting flares, some sitting tied up and blindfolded to show the condition that hostages were being held in.
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מייצג שבה להמחיש מה החטופים עוברים בשבי במנהרות החמאס
מייצג שבה להמחיש מה החטופים עוברים בשבי במנהרות החמאס
Protesters demand Israel agrees to a hostage deal
(Photo: Tal Shahar)
"The fate of the hostages is being decided now. Their lives and the lives of their families are in the hands of politicians who have personal interests and only seek to hold on to their seats," Einav Zangauker, mother of Matan who is held in captivity, said. "We will not let them. We will keep fighting for our loved ones."
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