Ready-to-launch missile in family home attic: IDF unveils strikes on Hezbollah arsenal

IDF spokesperson Daniel Hagari showcases terror group's caches hit in recent airstrikes, alongside image of missile stored in southern Lebanon family home; 'This is Hezbollah's cruel tactic'

The Israeli military has launched a broad offensive targeting Hezbollah’s weapons arsenal, IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari announced Monday.
He outlined the stockpile hit in the strikes, including long-range cruise missiles, rockets with 1,000-kilogram warheads, medium- and short-range rockets, drones and Sayyad 107 munitions, calling them “strategic capabilities.”
A village in Lebanon in which Hezbollah stores weapons inside civilian houses

Throughout the day, Israeli fighter jets and drones targeted around 1,300 Hezbollah sites in Lebanon. Hagari shared an image of a missile stored in a hydraulic system on the roof of a family home in southern Lebanon, highlighting Hezbollah’s use of civilians as human shields.
“Hezbollah is hiding long-range rockets. This missile is ready to be launched from an opening in the roof. Below the attic lives a Lebanese family, used as human shields. This is Hezbollah's cruel tactic,” he said.
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טיל ארוך טווח שאוחסן במבנה אזרחי בדרום לבנון
טיל ארוך טווח שאוחסן במבנה אזרחי בדרום לבנון
Missile stored in attic of a family home in Lebanon
(Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
Hagari also presented footage of an airstrike on a house in a southern Lebanon village, showing secondary explosions. “This is further proof that Hezbollah has turned southern Lebanon into a combat zone,” he added.
“The IDF’s operations in the past 24 hours demonstrate high-level planning and precise execution, resulting in significant achievements,” Hagari said. “However, challenging days lie ahead. We remain focused on defense across all fronts.”
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תא״ל דניאל הגרי
תא״ל דניאל הגרי
IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari
(Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
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טיל ארוך טווח שאוחסן במבנה אזרחי בדרום לבנון
טיל ארוך טווח שאוחסן במבנה אזרחי בדרום לבנון
(Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
He urged Israeli citizens to “act responsibly” and reiterated that the state of emergency on the home front remains in effect, with no changes to current Home Front Command guidelines. “We will provide immediate updates if anything changes. I’ll be here to keep you informed. It’s important to emphasize that we have challenging days ahead,” he said.
When asked about the possibility of a ground operation, Hagari responded, “We’ll do whatever is necessary to bring residents home. There are detailed plans in place. We’re working—let us do our job.”
Meanwhile, Lebanon’s Ministry of Health reported that 492 people have been killed and 1,645 injured in IDF airstrikes across the country since Monday morning.
The attempt by Hezbollah terrorists to launch cruise missiles from a house in Lebanon

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