Westerners, your support of Hamas will blow up in your face

Opinion: You protest against me in your polished squares in London and Madrid, glorifying child killers and beheaders, but remember, you with your plump silicone lips and fancy designer clothes, that he who lies with dogs, gets up with fleas
Alon Goldstein|
You tried to kill my grandfather, on your land. You slaughtered his parents and six of his eight siblings. But he survived, moved to Israel, and started a new family.
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The west is next

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You tried to kill my mother. She was born on the way to Israel, and when she arrived in Israel, you opened fire. She survived four wars. And then she gave birth to me.
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הפגנת תמיכה בעזה בלונדון
הפגנת תמיכה בעזה בלונדון
Pro-Palestinian rally in London
(Photo: REUTERS/Susannah Ireland)
You tried to take me out. My earliest memory is of terrorists on Highway 2, helicopters in the sky, fearing they'd enter our home. You fired rockets at me when I worked near the northern border, detonated a charge as I walked down the street. But I'm still here, a father to three children.
You tried to harm my little Omer. He's not even eight yet, but he only sleeps in the safe room. You indiscriminately fired rockets at residential neighborhoods, sent your wretched terrorists into bedrooms. But Omer will grow up here, and with God's help, he'll make me a proud grandfather.
You protest against me in your polished squares in London and Madrid. With smiling faces and plump silicone lips, dressed in Zara, you call for ridding the world of Jews. After sipping lattes with friends, you descend to the subway and swipe past photos of our kidnapped and murdered children. You upload videos on TikTok, with glittery gel nails and meticulous eyelashes, calling to annihilate my country, to purge it of Jews, from the river to the sea.
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Pro-Palestinian demonstration in New York City
Pro-Palestinian demonstration in New York City
Pro-Palestinian demonstration in New York City
More than I hold you in contempt, I pity your children. You are a warped product of prejudice, fake news and cultural decay. But I, the "Eternal Jew," as Goebbels named us, have a long memory and thick skin. I have a bag ready for any scenario, I sleep with my shoes on, I’ve got a nuke and I don't rely on you. I will survive this round as well.
But your children? Keep waving those banners, "purge the world of Jews," and the horrors of our Black Sabbath will come for you too. Keep glorifying child killers and beheaders as "freedom fighters," and one day your daughters may be raped before your horrified eyes, and you'll stand by, helpless. Continue financially supporting hatemongers and your money will circle back, funding the devastation of your homes.
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Woman holds antisemitic sign at pro-Palestinian rally
Woman holds antisemitic sign at pro-Palestinian rally
Woman holds antisemitic sign at pro-Palestinian rally
(Photo: Instagram)
You've opened your doors to human beasts, you've opened your hearts to the flames of hatred and it will consume you from the inside, devouring you until no trace remains of the culture you built.
And you, Jews of the world, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, the non-religious, those with open eyes and intact hearts – don't surrender to them. Identify that woman who, with a single placard, calls for the annihilation of an entire people. Identify that preacher in the mosque who, against your historic values of peace, beckons his followers to prepare for judgment day. Find them, pursue them with vigor, expose them and banish them from your lands.
אלון גולדשטייןAlon Goldstein
And you, the despicable Celtic fans, you, the shallow Harvard student who only knows how to quote social media, you, the modern heirs of the Nazis. Like my grandfather, like my mother, like me. My son, my grandson, my great-grandson - they too will spit on your graves.
  • Alon Goldstein is VP of content at Yedioth Ahronoth Group
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