Exactly a week ago, a security incident took place in a coffee shop in the West Bank, where a group of Palestinian men were attacked.
Although no injuries were reported, security footage showed that considerable damage was inflicted on the premises, while customers were seen fleeing the café.
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Settlers make inappropriate gesture as the drive through the West Bank village of Huwara
(Photo: EPA)
No one appears to have been arrested in connection to the assault so far, and it is unclear whether an investigation has even been launches. Since the attack took place in the village of Huwara, it likely holds little significance for authorities, as if to say: nothing to see here.
In reporting on the incident, Ynet journalist Yossi Yehushua wrote that in the 10 days leading up to the incident, no less than 40 attacks carried out by Jewish extremists occurred all over the West Bank - an average of four per day.
Regardless of the seriousness of these incidents, some limited to graffiti on the walls of Palestinian homes and businesses, and some meant to cause bodily harm - their skyrocketing numbers is cause for concern.
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Graffiti spray-painted on the walls in Palestinian town of Turmus Ayya
(Photo: Turmus Ayya City Council)
But not only Palestinians are targeted, some of the assaults are aimed against IDF forces.
If those numbers are accurate, it would appear that not only Palestinians are behind efforts to ignite the West Bank, which already suffers from increased tension.
Jewish terror is nothing new, but considering the political climate, such an increase in violence should have prompted immediate action from the government and even more so, from the security agencies, the IDF and the police.
Even the Israeli media should have seen the need to report on the rise of attacks carried out by Jews - especially after it has finally began reporting on the violence in the Arab sector, another arena that has been ignored.
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Settlers vandalize Palestinian-owned cars in the West Bank last March
(Photo: Mukhmas local council)
The attack on the coffee shop in Huwara did not result in fatalities. The victims of the assault will not demand government action or call for justice to be served. Because iit happened in Huwara, where it is not customary to shout "Governance!" every two hours.
I'm not saying that Jewish terror is the reason to turn a blind eye on Palestinian violence perpetuated against residents of Israeli settlements, the military or the police. But, Israel's refusal to recognize events carried out by Jews in the West Bank is an unacceptable folly, although not entirely surprising after 55 years of occupation.
Ignoring such assaults, minimizing their importance and the prevalent 'what about' isms add wind in the sails of extremists and allows this kind of behavior to continue.
So much so that even calling out its shameful manifestation seems a waste of time, and all that is left is to caution against the outbreak of the next intifada.