America should check its crumbling democracy, before it criticizes Israel's

Opinion: New York Times editorial staff should see what years long portrayal of Israel in demonic terms and branding it a criminal, contributed to the rise in antisemitism and how that may be impacting democracy and free speech
Ben-Dror Yemini|
The World had already witnessed the extreme right-wing taking over a democratic country.
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  • In the United States, the administration of Donald Trump exhibited the danger it posed, appointing far-right justices, bribing others who were open to their policies, and reversing a decades-long practice of human rights legislation in general and specifically women and minority rights.
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    Former U.S. president Donald Trump
    Former U.S. president Donald Trump
    Former U.S. president Donald Trump
    (Photo: AP)
    The Supreme Court's Dobbs ruling was just one example among many, of the change.
    Even two years after he was replaced, Trump's followers continue to undermine the legitimacy of the Biden administration. This is not a marginal group.
    The former president still has a hold over most of the Republican Party despite his irresponsible conduct being the subject of criminal investigations. His is the party that holds a majority in the House of Representatives, and close to 50% of the Senate.
    Disagreements between America's two parties, once seen as a healthy part of the democratic discourse, has become a bitter rivalry and what was once one nation is breaking up into two separate and hostile parts who are finding it increasingly difficult to conduct any dialogue.
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    Abortion-rights demonstrators protesting against the planned overturn of "Roe v. Wade" in Washington DC
    Abortion-rights demonstrators protesting against the planned overturn of "Roe v. Wade" in Washington DC
    Abortion-rights demonstrators protesting against the planned overturn of "Roe v. Wade" in Washington DC
    (Photo: AFP via Getty Images)
    American democracy is also challenged from the left.
    With the all important first amendment - Freedom of Speech coming under attack. and while courts have vigorously defended that right, it has been progressive elites on the left that have become more radicalized and are threatening the sacred amendment and at the same time, conservative pundits, are banned from speaking on college campuses despite being innocent of any racism.
    In fact, in today's United States, it is more and more difficult to express not only views, but facts, that are in contradiction to the "thought police."
    The Middle East Studies Association (MESA) voted to support the Boycott Divest Sanction (BDS) movement and others like it, who promote lies about Israel.
    How can the subject of the Israeli-Arab conflict be taught when most professors support an antisemitic organization that opposes the very existence of Israel? Academic freedom has become a joke and that is the America of these bad times. So yes. American democracy is under threat still.
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    A BDS display at DePaul University in Chicago
    A BDS display at DePaul University in Chicago
    A BDS display at DePaul University in Chicago
    (Photo: AP)
    I will admit that I am writing this column in response to the New York Times editorial "The ideal of democracy in a Jewish state is in jeopardy,"
    We have been hearing the cries about the end of democracy for decades and we have news for everyone: Many in Israel and I am one of them, are unhappy with the incoming government, the coalition agreements, the expansion of settlements and much more. But this is a democracy. It is alive and kicking and vibrant and annoying. But mostly it is stronger than politics.
    It is nice of you - the New York Times, to be concerned about events here but you would do better to be concerned with what is happening in your own home.
    Look at your own contribution to the rising levels of racism and antisemitism. You have over recent years, led the unfair and unjustified criticism of Israel. You've ignored Palestinian opposition to any agreement with Israel.
    You have repeatedly portrayed Israel as a perpetrator of crimes, despite the fact that even if it had tried, the IDF could not have reached the level of civilian casualties caused by the American military actions.
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    Afghan children killed in NATO strike
    Afghan children killed in NATO strike
    Afghan children killed in NATO strike
    (Photo: Reuters)
    It was you who published on your front page in May 2021 the photos of some 70 children who died in a conflict with Hamas - heartbreaking. You forgot, however to add that these kids were hurt because Hamas used them as human shields, by launching rockets from residential homes and schools. They were hurt because Hamas prefers to promote the Islamic Jihad's idolization of death, rather than seek a peaceful resolution.
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    NYTimes front page from may 2021 depicting children killed in Gaza during IDF strikes
    NYTimes front page from may 2021 depicting children killed in Gaza during IDF strikes
    NYTimes front page from may 2021 depicting children killed in Gaza during IDF strikes
    When have you ever published on your front page, pictures of the children who were killed by the U.S. or British forces in the war on terror in Syria, Iraq, or Afghanistan?
    Why do such pictures, that cause a surge in antisemitism, get published only when they are directed against Israel?
    You are the ones that, over and over again, ignored the rising Palestinian terror and the fact that it had become a proxy of the Jihad movement and of Iran. This is despite you knowing that every place in the world in which the Jihad is present, or in which Iran is involved, is totally destroyed.
    The U.S. government and the American people have always been, and still are, allies of Israel. We are still both democracies, even if in America, it is more in danger than it is in Israel.
    But it is time for some introspection. It is not hard to understand those in academia who support the BDS. They are your readers and you have long since crossed the line between criticism of, and demonizing, Israel.
    Barry Weiss, a former NYT's journalist, admitted that the newspaper had progressive-antisemitic undertones.
    Its just so much easier to blame Israel, and afterwards lament the rising racism and antisemitism. It is okay to criticize Israel, but you must first take a hard look at yourselves and the responsibility you may have.
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