China says it is 'seriously concerned' about US nuclear strategic report

Biden reportedly approves strategic plan focusing on China's rapidly growing nuclear arsenal and seeks to prepare the U.S. to face challenges from nuclear Russia, North Korea as well 

China is seriously concerned about a report that said the United Stated approved a nuclear strategic plan to focus on China's rapid expansion in its nuclear arsenal, the Chinese foreign ministry said on Wednesday.
"The U.S. is peddling the China nuclear threat narrative, finding excuses to seek strategic advantage," a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson said.
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נשיא ארה"ב ג'ו ביידן נשיא סין שי ג'ינפינג פגישה ב באלי ב 14 נובמבר 2022
נשיא ארה"ב ג'ו ביידן נשיא סין שי ג'ינפינג פגישה ב באלי ב 14 נובמבר 2022
Chinese leader Xi Jinping with U.S. President Joe Biden in 2014
(Photo: Saul Loeb / AFP)
According to a report by the New York Times, U.S. President Joe Biden approved in March a highly classified nuclear strategic plan that focused on China's quickly growing arsenal, but also seeks to prepare the U.S for possible coordinated nuclear challenges from China, Russia and North Korea.
"China is seriously concerned about the relevant report, and the facts have fully proved that the United States has constantly stirred up the so-called China nuclear threat theory in recent years," said Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning at a regular press briefing.
The White House said on Tuesday that the classified nuclear strategic plan approved by Biden this year is not a response to a single country or threat.
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אתרי שיגור טילים סילו סין נשק גרעיני
אתרי שיגור טילים סילו סין נשק גרעיני
Chinese nuclear silos
(Photo: James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies in Monterey, Calif)
The U.S. has consistently pointed to China's expansive and growing nuclear weaponry. An annual report by the Pentagon last October said China had more than 500 operational nuclear warheads in its arsenal, and will probably have over 1,000 warheads by 2030.
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