Jewish family among major backers of anti-Israel campus protests

Bafrayung Fund, associated with one of America's wealthiest and most politically active Jewish families is a significant financial supporter of the National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP)

One of America's wealthiest and most politically active Jewish families, is a significant financial supporter of the National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP) movement, known for orchestrating anti-Israel protests on college campuses across the United States. .
The Bafrayung Fund provides significant financial support to the pro-Palestinian student movement, according to a recent report from the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP).
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Jews for free Palestine sign at a student protest in New York
Jews for free Palestine sign at a student protest in New York
Jews for Free Palestine sign at a student protest in New York
(Photo: Reuters)
At the helm of the Bafrayung Fund is Rachel Gelman, 33, a descendant of Levi Strauss, the renowned clothing manufacturer. Rachel Gelman is also related to U.S. Representative Dan Gelman (D-NY). According to the ISGAP report, the Bafrayung Fund has allocated substantial sums of money over recent months to support and encourage these protests.

The report indicates that the Bafrayung Fund is the most substantial financial backer of the NSJP, contributing significantly to the movement’s activities. Beyond NSJP, the fund has also supported other organizations with anti-Israel agendas.
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הפגנה פרו פלסטינית מפגינים מחוץ ל אוניברסיטת קולומביה ב ניו יורק ארה"ב
הפגנה פרו פלסטינית מפגינים מחוץ ל אוניברסיטת קולומביה ב ניו יורק ארה"ב
Anti-Israel protesters at Columbia University
(Photo: AP)
Notably, it donated $60,000 to the Palestinian Youth Movement and $40,000 to the Arab Resource and Organizing Center, both of which have used the controversial slogan, "From the river to the sea Palestine will be free."
Reprinted with permission from i24NEWS
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