IDF strikes Lebanon| Hezbollah fires Iranian Falaq-1 missile

Rocket killing at least 12, carries a 50 kilogram (110 lbs.) warhead produced in Iran which the IDF says only Iranian proxy Hezbollah possesses; IDF strikes Hezbollah targets in initial response, including in the Bekka Valley region

IDF Spokesperson on deadly Hezbollah rocket attack

The IDF said on Sunday that it had conducted several raids against Hezbollah targets in Lebanon including in the Bekka Valley. "Overnight, the IAF struck a series of Hezbollah terror targets both deep inside Lebanese territory and in southern Lebanon, including weapons caches and terrorist infrastructure in the areas of Chabriha, Borj El Chmali, and Beqaa, Kfarkela, Rab El Thalathine, Khiam, and Tayr Harfa," the military said.
The IDF spokesperson said late on Saturday that the deadly rocket that killed 12 children in the Golan Heights was a Falaq-1, manufactured in Iran, a rocket with a warhead of over 50 kilograms. According to the military Hezbollah is the only Iranian proxy that possesses such a weapon. "Hezbollah lied," Read Admiral Daniel Hagari said when the Lebanon-bases terror group denied it had fired the rocket.
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תקיפה של צה"ל בדרום לבנון
תקיפה של צה"ל בדרום לבנון
IDF strikes South Lebanon after deadly attack on Golan Heights
Hagari also revealed the name of Hezbollah's commander Ali Yahyah Mohammed, who was responsible for its launch. "An alert siren was activated but unfortunately not early enough for the children to reach safety," Hagari said adding that there was no prior intelligence indicating Hezbollah's intent to target the Golan Heights. "We will prepare a response against Hezbollah. When we finish our assessments, we will act."
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(צילום: Jalaa MAREY / AFP)

Hagari urged civilians to prepare for more Hezbollah fire which he said would come, once Israel responds to the strike on the Druze village on the Golan.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cut short his weekend stay in the U.S. and was expected to land in Israel in the afternoon to hold a security cabinet meeting after the deadly attack.
Netanyahu came under fire for, initially choosing not to leave Washington early, according to reports, but in a statement issued by his office denied that he had considered staying on in D.C.
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