Central District police officers who arrived Thursday at an apartment in Rehovot following a report received from a man who was renovating his parents' house were shocked to learn that he had found in the attic a huge amount of weapons and ammunition collected over the years from many of Israel's wars.
Weapons and ammunition collected over the years from Israel's wars were found in a residential apartment in Rehovot
(צילום: דוברות המשטרה )
He told the Rehovot police and a police sapper who arrived at the apartment that the numerous weapons were apparently collected by his father and grandfather over many years.
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Weapons and ammunition collected over the years from Israel's wars were found in a residential apartment in Rehovot
(Photo: Police spokesperson)
Among the items found were dozens of rifles and pistols of various types, 17 old British Mills bomb hand grenades, a defense grenade, 16 grenade detonators, 30 different explosive detonators, 20 flares, weapon parts and cartridges of various types, and thousands of small arms bullets of various types.
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The police sapper examined the weapons and other means of warfare to ensure that they did not pose a danger. At the end of the examination, the explosives were taken and transferred to the police station.