IDF destroys tunnel in uncovered near Gaza-Israel border

Military says the tunnel extended to some 800 meters and was 30 meters deep, contained several operational chambers used by Hamas terrorists

The IDF reported Thursday that it destroyed a Hamas tunnel uncovered in Gaza, approximately one kilometer from the Israeli border
According to the IDF spokesperson, the tunnel extended approximately 800 meters and reached a depth of about 30 meters underground. The tunnel contained several operational chambers and blast doors.
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אוגדה 99 השלימה מבצע אוגדתי במרחב המסדרון והעמיקה את אחיזת צה״ל במרחב
אוגדה 99 השלימה מבצע אוגדתי במרחב המסדרון והעמיקה את אחיזת צה״ל במרחב
The tunnel that was destroyed near the Israeli border
(Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
The Multidimensional Unit, along with the "Carmeli" (2) and 679 Brigade combat teams, conducted a divisional operation in the Zeitoun area and Sabra neighborhood. During the operation, dozens of Hamas terrorists were killed, and some 50 terrorist infrastructures in the area were destroyed.
IDF destroys Hamas rocket launchers
(Video: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
According to the IDF spokesperson, the "Alexandroni" (3) and "HaZaken" Brigade combat teams have been engaged in the Corridor area for a week.
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אוגדה 99 השלימה מבצע אוגדתי במרחב המסדרון והעמיקה את אחיזת צה״ל במרחב
אוגדה 99 השלימה מבצע אוגדתי במרחב המסדרון והעמיקה את אחיזת צה״ל במרחב
(Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
Additionally, as part of the divisional operation, the "Carmeli" Brigade combat team located and destroyed rocket launch pits ready for firing into Israel within the Zeitoun neighborhood. The soldiers, in coordination with the Israeli Air Force, also destroyed a Hamas rocket and weapons storage facility.<< Follow Ynetnews on Facebook | Twitter | Instagram >>
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