Netanyahu instructs IDF to prepare to distribute humanitarian aid in Gaza

Hoping to curb international pressure on Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu plans to task the defense establishment with humanitarian aid distribution instead of UN organizations; The IDF is reluctant to take on this mission

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu instructed the defense establishment to prepare to distribute humanitarian aid in Gaza, instead of the international organizations on the ground. The IDF has raised its concerns about the idea, which is intended to curb international pressure against Israel.
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תיעוד מהסיוע המרוקאי שדווח שהועבר לרצועה
תיעוד מהסיוע המרוקאי שדווח שהועבר לרצועה
Aid sent from Morocco arrives in Gaza
In recent months, the Prime Minister's Office examined a series of options to improve the humanitarian situation in Gaza. One of the possible solutions was to appoint a general to take charge of the humanitarian issue in Gaza for the distribution of humanitarian aid. Either way, this is a very complex decision and not necessarily applicable.
In a series of recent discussions, the defense establishment is trying to find a solution for the humanitarian aid it brings to Gaza every day, which is made up mainly of food and fuel. The government has approved tons of humanitarian aid to be sent to Gaza and it eventually reaches Hamas, which maintains control in Gaza, helping to feed and equip the terror group for a prolonged war.
Appointing an IDF general to oversee the distribution of humanitarian aid in Gaza means that Israel's responsibility in the Gaza Strip will continue and perhaps expand over the next few years. Brigadier General Elad Goren came up through the ranks in Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) and will now be the first IDF officer to fill that role in Gaza, previously considered a civilian administration position. His position will be similar to that of COGAT in the West Bank, which is currently held by Major General Hisham Ibrahim.
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חאן יונס
חאן יונס
Food distribution in Khan Younis
(Photo: REUTERS/Mohammed Salem)
Goren will handle daily tactical issues such as the delivery of humanitarian aid in Gaza, repairing local infrastructure destroyed in the war, and maintaining contact with foreign aid organizations. He is expected to lead long-term civilian strategic initiatives to preserve Israel's legitimacy to continue fighting in Gaza, without being hindered by a humanitarian crisis or famine.
If the hostage deal is finalized and they can return home, the general is also expected to play a central role in returning Gazan civilians to their homes. Returning more than a million displaced people home, while manning strategic locations such as the Netzerim Corridor, which divides northern Gaza from southern Gaza, is a serious responsibility. Another possible solution to be implemented is to return international organizations to secure the Israel-Gaza border crossings as was done until Israel's disengagement from Gaza in 2005, with a local Palestinian force near the Philadelphi axis.
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