'From city to city': IDF chief vows no safe haven for terror in West Bank

Thirty terrorists killed in IDF's ongoing operation in northern West Bank, with reports of heavy clashes in Jenin; army chief says offensive approach 'crucial'; goal: seize 2,000 weapons

IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi on Saturday evening asserted that he will not let terror take a foothold in the West Bank as the army is engaged in a large-scale counterterrorism operation in the territory.
The operation in the northern West Bank saw hundreds of troops dismantling terror infrastructure and uncovering explosive devices planted along or beneath roads.
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הרמטכ״ל רב אלוף הרצי הלוי בהערכת מצב בג׳נין עם מפקד פיקוד המרכז, אלוף אבי בלוט ומפקד אוגדת יהודה ושומרון, תת-אלוף יקי דולף
הרמטכ״ל רב אלוף הרצי הלוי בהערכת מצב בג׳נין עם מפקד פיקוד המרכז, אלוף אבי בלוט ומפקד אוגדת יהודה ושומרון, תת-אלוף יקי דולף
IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi (center)
(Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
Since the operation began on Tuesday, some 30 terrorists have been eliminated, with the focus on the Jenin refugee camp, a key terror hub in the region. Palestinian officials have reported 23 deaths.
The IDF announced that Halevi visited Jenin to conduct a situational assessment alongside Central Command chief Maj. Gen. Avi Blot and other senior officers. “We are dismantling the terror emanating from the refugee camps in the West Bank,” Halevi said.
According to the IDF, 14 of the terrorists were killed in Jenin alone. Border Police and Shin Bet forces are also involved in the operation, which has seen the destruction of dozens of explosive devices.
Halevi referenced the two car bombs from Hebron that targeted Gush Etzion in a double attack foiled by a combination of luck and quick thinking. “Look at that attack,” he said. “What you’re doing here—entering the refugee camps—is precisely to prevent terrorists from loading explosives into a car bomb and launching an attack on a settlement, IDF forces or anywhere else. This offensive approach of penetrating terror hubs, where they build their explosive capabilities, is crucial.”
Halevi emphasized that the IDF has no intention of allowing terrorism in the West Bank to gain momentum. “This is why we’re moving from city to city, refugee camp to refugee camp, with excellent intelligence, strong operational capabilities, robust aerial intelligence support, and, most importantly, highly motivated and determined soldiers and commanders. I see the dedication to the mission clearly, and this is how we will protect Israeli citizens.”
IDF operations in Nur Shams and Jenin
(Video: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)

The IDF’s raids have also targeted the Nur Shams refugee camp in Tulkarm and the Jordan Valley. The army released on Saturday new footage from Nur Shams showing forces firing at roadside bombs, triggering their detonation.
The Kfir Brigade, along with Yamam counterterrorism units and the Shin Bet, have been operating in the camp, where they eliminated Mohammed Jaber (call sign Abu Shujaa), a key terrorist leader involved in orchestrating the June attack in Qalqilya that killed Amnon Mukhtar. Six more wanted individuals were arrested in Nur Shams.

Goal: Seize 2,000 weapons in the West Bank

Capt. Roy, a platoon commander in the Haruv Reconnaissance Unit, said, “Over the past 48 hours, the Kfir Brigade has fought against terrorists, explosives, and terror infrastructure in the Nur Shams refugee camp in Tulkarm. During the operation, bomb-making labs, weapon labs and numerous terrorists were eliminated. The Haruv Recon Unit and the Kfir Brigade will continue to combat threats in Nur Shams, across the West Bank, and in any sector necessary to defend the homeland.”
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מטעני חבלה שאותרו  במרחב ג׳נין ונור א-שמס ותמונות מפעילות צוות הקרב החטיבתי
מטעני חבלה שאותרו  במרחב ג׳נין ונור א-שמס ותמונות מפעילות צוות הקרב החטיבתי
IDF operations in Nur Shams and Jenin
(Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
The operation in the northern West Bank comes amid fears of escalating violence in the region—a concern underscored by last night’s foiled car bomb attacks in Gush Etzion. One bomb detonated, likely due to a “work accident,” and the terrorist who exited the vehicle at a gas station in the Gush Etzion junction was killed after lunging at responding forces. The second rigged car exploded after breaching the nearby settlement of Karmei Tzur, where a security officer rammed the vehicle with his own and opened fire on the terrorist, killing him as well.
Earlier today, Chief of Staff Halevi held a situational assessment regarding the operation in the northern West Bank, noting that its goal is to prevent attacks like those thwarted in Gush Etzion. Security officials have stated that the Central Command aims to seize 2,000 weapons from terrorists in the West Bank this year. The IDF has detected efforts by external forces to incite violence in the West Bank, with Hamas and Iran attempting to smuggle weapons and funds into the region.
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