2 injured by suspected bomb blasts near West Bank

Defense Ministry employees suffer light injuries while inspecting suspicious objects placed on security fence near Kibbutz Merav

Two Defense Ministry employees were lightly injured on Tuesday in suspected bomb blast while on patrol near the West Bank border fence in the Gilboa region.
The explosions occurred as they inspected three suspicious objects near Kibbutz Merav. The two were transported to a hospital.
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זירת הפיגוע במירב
זירת הפיגוע במירב
Aftermath of an explosion on the West Bank border fence that wounded two men
IDF forces have launched a manhunt for the terrorists responsible for the attack. Kibbutz Merav has experienced repeated gunfire from terrorists in the nearby West Bank village of Jalbun, near Jenin, in recent months.
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צילום מקיבוץ מירב לאחר הירי לעברם
צילום מקיבוץ מירב לאחר הירי לעברם
A Kibbutz Merav home after taking shots fired from the West Bank
(Photo: Kibbutz Merav)
Following a similar incident last April, residents of Merav and neighboring communities criticized the lack of action by security forces. "It's been a year of non-stop fire from Jalbun targeting our homes," one resident said.
"We feel helpless. I demand that the IDF end this and allow us to walk around our own homes safely. This can be stopped, and those responsible for the gunfire must be removed."
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