Health Minister says terrorists treated in Israel helped rescue hostages

Minister Uriel Busso pushes back against criticism that the Nukhaba terrorists were given medical attention after the atrocities they committed and says Israel is committed to treat those in its custody

Sarit Rosenblum|
Health Minister Uriel Busso said some captured Nukhba terrorists who received medical treatment in Israel, following the atrocities of the October 7 massacre, entered the Gaza Strip and aided forces in locating and rescuing hostages.
The minister pushed back against criticism of the treatment terrorists received after they were captured by Israel. "The IDF and Health Ministry set up a medical facility in the Sde Teiman prison facility for the Nukhba terrorists. "We must treat anyone who comes through its doors," he said in a health coference hosted by Ynet on Monday.
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ועידת הבריאות של קבוצת ידיעות אחרונות
ועידת הבריאות של קבוצת ידיעות אחרונות
Health Minister Uriel Busso
(Photo: Avigail Uzi)
"A doctor who's been in the health system for 30 years told me that terrorists, once stabilized, were brought in for interrogation and that’s how we saved lives. Some of these terrorists, who were treated by our health system, were taken into Gaza and down the tunnels and helped rescue hostages. This information is saving lives now. That’s why we treat them, to stabilize them," he added.
Busso also said Israel's medical facilities were prepared for a war on the northern border even before the war in Gaza broke out on October 7. "We've been ready for several months with hospital fortifications and backup for whatever is needed," he said.
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עשרות מחברי לה פמיליה מנסים לפרוץ למחלקה שבה חשבו שהמחבל מאושפז ונבלמו על ידי ביטחון בית החולים והמשטרה
עשרות מחברי לה פמיליה מנסים לפרוץ למחלקה שבה חשבו שהמחבל מאושפז ונבלמו על ידי ביטחון בית החולים והמשטרה
Protest outside Israel hospital which treated terrorists
(Photo: Dana Kopel)
He praised the strength of the Israeli healthcare system. "The healthcare system's strength comes from its human capital, professionalism and the integration and cooperation with the health funds," he said.
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