Ben-Gvir deputizes rapper pal known for incitement to violence

Yoav Eliasi is made an officer in the police and a member of the civilian emergency response team despite his controversial far-right activism; says he has transformed after the Hamas massacre 

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir on Monday appointed rapper Yoav Eliasi as a ranking officer in the police. Eliasi is a far-right activist and a supporter of Ben-Gvir and his extremist positions.
Ben-Gvir named the rapper along with 15 others as part of the civilian response teams set up after the October 7 Hamas massacre, run under the auspices of the Police and armed by the force. Members of the teams wear police uniforms and receive police training. Since the massacre, some 900 teams were established around the country.
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טקס הענקת דרגות הקצונה למתנדבי כיתות הכוננות. משמאל: השר איתמר בן גביר, יואב "הצל" אליאסי וניצב פרץ עמר
טקס הענקת דרגות הקצונה למתנדבי כיתות הכוננות. משמאל: השר איתמר בן גביר, יואב "הצל" אליאסי וניצב פרץ עמר
Yoav Eliasi given police officer ranks by minister Itamar Ben-Gvir
Eliasi who has never shied away from violent confrontations and incitement to violence on his social media platforms said he had changed after October 7 and hoped to contribute to the defense of civilians. But his past conduct has raised grave concern about how he may react if tasked with securing anti-government protests.
Naor Shiri, a lawmaker with the Yesh Atid opposition party and a member of the Knesset's National Security Committee told Ynet that giving Eliasi the rank of officer in the police is another step in the minister's efforts to take over the force. He said that since the formation of the government, we have seen how the Israel Police has become a tool in the hands of a minister who made inappropriate appointments while the force has become increasingly violent in its treatment of political appointments.
Outgoing police commissioner Kobi Shabtai who had clashed with the minister often said in his farewell address that the police must not be politicized. "I appeal to you, the officers in the police and its commanders, down to the cop on the beat, and also to the president, the prime minister and the minister," Shabtai said in the ceremony that was not attended by Ben-Gvir, "Remember your oath of elegance to the country and the commitment to the people."
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טקס יום הזיכרון הישראלי פלסטיני לחללי מערכות ישראל
טקס יום הזיכרון הישראלי פלסטיני לחללי מערכות ישראל
Yoav Eliasi during a right-wing protest against a ceremony honoring Palestinian victims of violence
(Photo: Eitan Elhadad / TPS)
Ben-Gvir himself was under fire after his close aids were investigated for handing out gun licenses without proper authority.
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