Israeli soldier moderately hurt in West Bank stabbing attack, military says

IDF in a statement says another soldier stationed near settlement of Kiryat Arba, where the attack took place, neutralized the assailant; dozens Palestinian rioters gathered in the area of the attack and hurled stones at security forces
An Israeli soldier was moderately wounded Friday after he was stabbed by a Palestinian near the West Bank settlement of Kiryat Arba, the military said.
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  • An initial investigation of the incident indicates the Palestinian terrorist got out of a vehicle, approached the IDF soldier from behind and stabbed him in the neck.
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    זירת הפיגוע סמוך לקריית ארבע
    זירת הפיגוע סמוך לקריית ארבע
    The scene of the stabbing attack
    Another soldier who was in the area responded to the incident by shooting and killing the alleged terrorist.
    After the terror attack, dozens of Palestinian rioters gathered near the Palestinian village of Beit Einun, close to the area where the attack occurred, and hurled stones at the security forces.
    At 15:26pm, a report was received at the Magen David Adom emergency services in Jerusalem about a man - stabbed at a junction near Beit Einun.
    The scene of the incident
    Paramedics and IDF medical personnel who were called to the scene evacuated the wounded soldier to Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem.
    "When we arrived at the scene, we joined the military medical force, which was providing medical treatment to a wounded man who suffered a stab wound and was fully conscious," one of the paramedics said.
    "We continued the medical treatment, which included bandaging and stopping the bleeding, and the man was evacuated in stable condition for further treatment at the hospital."
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