Ex-IDF intel unit soldier suspected of leaking classified documents

Indictment says information breach was uncovered by Shin Bet through social media platforms, leading to the arrest of two civilians and one soldier on active duty; all said to have been motivated by wanting to get famous
Gilad Morag, Yoav Zitun|
Israel filed two indictments Monday against former soldier from the Military Intelligence Directorate and several accomplices following suspicions they had leaked classified IDF documents.
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  • According to the indictment, filed by State Attorney's cyber department, the former soldier leaked the secret information while on reserve duty. The information was then received a teenage suspect who shared the documents with his friends through social media. Additionally, an IDF officer was arrested over breaches to security.
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    Military Intelligence Directorate
    Military Intelligence Directorate
    Military Intelligence Directorate
    (Photo: Tal Shachar)
    The IDF has been conducting an extensive investigation over the past few months, and have called the case "severe and exceptional".
    The three associates allegedly acted out of ideological, monetary, or media-driven motives and were not recruited by hostile entities. In other words, they wanted to be the first to update their friends on the leak and boost their social media profile.
    According to the IDF, "the investigation started a few weeks ago following posts on social media that had been uncovered by the Shin Bet. during the investigation several accomplices were questioned, along with soldiers and civilians, one of them being a minor, over suspicion of security offenses, mostly publication of classified information.
    "On May 24, suspects were arrested for committing the offenses, and are in until custody, with the approval of the court of law and military court - two civilians and one soldier on active duty."
    Additional officers are likely to be charged with disciplinary or criminal charges over the case.
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    Illustration, IDF intelligence officer
    Illustration, IDF intelligence officer
    Illustration, IDF intelligence officer
    (Photo: Uri Bareket)
    "The case of the soldier on active duty, suspected of passing on confidential information and publicizing it, is being taken care of through military prosecution," the IDF said. "At the request of the suspect's counsel, the indictment will be filed only after the hearing is held. The rest of the suspects are subject to arrest, in line with the decisions of the Magistrates' Court and the Military Court."
    The attorneys representing the IDF soldier made a statement, saying, "We're talking about an excelling soldier, professional and ethical, who has contributed a lot throughout his service. Even if he made a mistake in judgement, he by no means meant to harm the military.
    In wake of the incident, Maj. Gen. Aharon Haliva - head of the IDF's Operations Directorate - ordered a team designated to oversee information security will be established to conduct a comprehensive systemic examination.
    "In the hearing that will be held next week, we'll present the Military Court with substantial evidence and claims in relation to the soldier and circumstances of his actions," they said. "We're convinced that this will bring understanding of the true and easing context of the incident."
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