Watch Palestinians climb over border wall into Israel, again

Security forces arrest 11 men from the area of Hebron infiltrating illegally into Israel along with Bedouin resident of the Negev there to transport them; local mayor warns next time could see terrorists cross intending mass murder 

Palestinians climb over border wall into Israel

Palestinians were captured on security cameras climbing over the border barrier wall into Southern Israel just a week after another group was seen doing the same further north. The 11 men who reside in the area of the West Bank city of Hebron, and who did not have security clearance to enter the country, have no trouble breaching the barrier while Israel is in war.
They used a ladder to climb on to and off the barrier but were arrested by security forces who had prior intelligence indicating an attempt would be made to enter Israel illegally at that location. The forces also arrested a Bedouin resident of the Negev who was on hand to transport them.
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Palestinians climb over border wall in South to enter Israel illegally
Palestinians climb over border wall in South to enter Israel illegally
Palestinians climb over border wall in South to enter Israel illegally
(Photo: Screenshot)
Last Monday, security cameras captured 19 men climbing over the border wall in the center of the country. They too had infiltrated in order to find work after Israel banned the 150,000 West Bank Palestinians who had been working in the country from entering, when the war broke out. Security forces arrested the men who were unarmed
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שוהים בלתי חוקיים עוברים את חומת ההפרדה בקו התפר במזרח לכיש סמוך לישוב אליאב
שוהים בלתי חוקיים עוברים את חומת ההפרדה בקו התפר במזרח לכיש סמוך לישוב אליאב
Palestinians arrested after climbing over border wall to enter Israel illegally
"The pictures speak for themselves," Lachish Regional Council Mayor Boaz Shlomo said. "The entire perception of security has failed when the border is so easily breached. There is no advance warning. Today the men were simply looking for work, tomorrow they could be Hamas terrorists on their way to commit mass murder. I've raised the alarm with the National Security minister," he said.
Palestinians cross over border wall near Tulkarm
The IDF said earlier on Tuesday that its forces shot and killed two Hamas terrorists who appro
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מחבלים ירו לעבר בת חפר
מחבלים ירו לעבר בת חפר
Hamas terrorists fires into Israeli community across the West Bank border
ached the border wall near Bat Hefer, in central Israel, attempting to fire into the Israeli community after an attack was launched there last week from the outskirts of Tulkarm. Terrorists also shot into communities in the Gilboa region from the area of Jenin, further to the north, in recent months including last week.

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