Mikhail was killed by an Iron Dome interceptor in the north, but then his donated organs saved six lives

Mikhail Samara, killed by an interceptor missile near Nahariya, saved six lives through organ donation, including a baby; His parents' decision turned tragedy into hope for others

Mikhail Samara, a 27-year-old student killed by an Iron Dome interceptor missile fired at a UAV on Route 4 near Nahariya, became a hero in his death, saving six lives, including that of an baby girl less than a year old. His parents, Nasrat and Yana Samara, made the heart-wrenching decision to donate his organs. "We wish the recipients a speedy recovery and a life filled with joy and health," they said through the National Transplant Center.
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מיכאיל סמארה נהרג מפגיעת מיירט ליד נהריה
מיכאיל סמארה נהרג מפגיעת מיירט ליד נהריה
Mikhail Samara
(Photo: family album)
Over the weekend, Mikhail's organs were transplanted in a series of life-saving operations. His heart was donated to a 52-year-old man at Rabin Medical Center, his lungs to a 60-year-old man, and his liver to a 65-year-old patient at Sourasky Medical Center. At the same hospital, one of his kidneys was transplanted into a 46-year-old woman, while the second kidney was given to a 48-year-old man at Rabin Medical Center. Remarkably, a liver lobe was transplanted into a seven-month-old baby girl at Schneider Children's Hospital.
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Medics in protective gear against coronavirus with a patient at Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv
Medics in protective gear against coronavirus with a patient at Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv
Sourasky Medical Center
( Photo: Zlila Helman)
Mikhail Samara was studying chemistry in the Czech Republic, where he lived, and had returned to Israel just a few days earlier to visit his family in Kafr Yasif. In the same Hezbollah UAV attack, 14 other people were injured.
"He was a wonderful person. During the days he was back in Israel, we talked, laughed and rejoiced that he was with us," a relative said in paying tribute to Mikhail. "He shared his academic successes and achievements. He was a talented and intelligent student. He told me that after finishing his studies we would have a big celebration. It's hard to recall those words now without crying."
According to the IDF spokesperson, a preliminary investigation revealed that "the incident involved an interceptor that missed its target and hit the ground. As a result of the fall, several civilians were injured. The incident is under investigation."
Prior to the Hezbollah UAV attack, five terrorists were eliminated in an airstrike in southern Lebanon.
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