Nasrallah elimination will return residents to north and bring home Gaza hostages, Netanyahu says

'Settled accounts with those responsible for the murder of countless Israelis and many citizens of other countries, including hundreds of Americans,' Netanyahu says in address to the nation 

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Saturday night that the elimination of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah was necessary to achieve Israel's war goals.
In a statement from the Kirya defense headquarters in Tel Aviv on Saturday night, a few hours after returning from the United States and a little more than a day after the assassination of Nasrallah, Netanyahu said that: "We have settled accounts with someone who was responsible for the murders of countless Israelis and many nationals of other countries, including hundreds of Americans and dozens of French."
"Nasrallah was not just another terrorist, he was the terrorist. He was the axis of the axis, the main engine of Iran's axis of evil. He and his people were the architects of the plan to destroy Israel. He was not only operated by Iran, he also frequently operated Iran."
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בנימין נתניהו עם המצגת מפת ציר פילדלפי
בנימין נתניהו עם המצגת מפת ציר פילדלפי
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
(Photo: Avi Ohayon/GPO)
Netanyahu said that "at the beginning of the week, I came to the conclusion that the powerful blows that the IDF has been landing on Hezbollah in recent days were not enough. The elimination of Nasrallah is a necessary condition in achieving the objectives we have set: Returning the residents of the north safely to their homes, and changing the balance of power in the region for years. As long as Nasrallah was alive, he would have quickly rebuilt the capabilities we took from Hezbollah. Therefore, I gave the directive – and Nasrallah is no longer with us."
Netanyahu said that Nasrallah's elimination both promotes the return of the residents of northern Israel to their homes, and “also advances the return of our hostages in the south..”
"The more (Hamas leader Yahya) Sinwar sees that Nasrallah will not be coming to his rescue, the greater are the chances for returning our hostages,” he said.
There is no place in Iran or the Middle East that the long arm of Israel will not reach
Netanyahu thanked the IDF, the Israeli Air Force, Military Intelligence, the Mossad and the Shin Bet for their "great achievements, and not just yesterday."
"We have great achievements but the work has still not been completed. In the coming days, we will face significant challenges and we will face them together. Nasrallah spoke about us as 'spider webs.' But instead of 'spider webs', he found the tendons of steel of a united and mighty nation that is determined to ensure its existence and its future. Not only has Hezbollah discovered this. The entire Middle East has discovered this," Netanyahu continued.
"All those who oppose the axis of evil, all those who are fighting under the violent dictatorship of Iran and its proxies in Lebanon, Syria, Iran itself and other places, they are all filled with hope today." Netanyahu stressed. "I say to the citizens of those countries: Israel stands with you."
He addressed the leaders of Iran: "And to the ayatollahs' regime I say: Those who strike us, we strike them. There is no place in Iran or the Middle East that the long arm of Israel cannot reach. Today, you already know that this is correct."
Turning to address Israelis, he said: "These are momentous days. We are at what will be seen as a historic turning point. One year ago, on October 7, our enemies attacked us and thought that Israel was on the road to being wiped out. One year later, blow after blow, achievement after achievement, they understand how their hopes have dissipated. Israel has momentum; we are winning. We are determined to continue striking our enemies, to return our residents to their homes, and to return all of our hostages. We do not forget them even for a moment.
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First published: 22:39, 09.28.24
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